Pursuit of excellence is a main goal in the development of higher educational institutions; therefore, "university ranking" has recently become a critical reference for each university's recruitment policies. After reviewing various indicators for university ranking, we found that "physical education (PE) & sports science" was seldom included as an evaluation criterion item. As a matter of fact that university ranking compares not only limited to excellence of academic studies. Regardless, physical education development facilities and environment, students' sports culture, physical education activities and performance have been considered as the key factors to attract future students. Thus the research team developed a series of objective indicators for the assessment of so-called "physical education & sport science performance" for higher educational institutions. We used Fuzzy Delphi method to conduct the survey on the PE administrators of higher educational institutions in Taiwan, and total 145 were interviewed. Triangular fuzzy numbers and deviations among different background of the interviewees had been analyzed. The results are as follows: (1) Five different dimensions, including sports facility resources, PE promotion resources, PE teaching staff resources, PE activity performance and sports contest performance are identified. (2) Nine indicators, including average sports space for each student, PE administrative structure, whether PE achievement included as one of conditions for graduation, number of years for mandatory PE courses, teacher-student ratio for full-time PE teaching staff, academic performance for full-time PE teaching staff, number of college promotion activities for PE and their attendance, proportion of students involved with sports clubs and college achievement in the intermural sport contests and nationwide college sport contests are indicated with respective dimensions. The development of the above-mentioned indicators would pave the way to improve the university ranking system in Taiwan in the near future.
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