


Effects of Specific Sports Training on Motion Sickness and Postural Control




楊梓楣(Chih-Mei Yang);湯鳴遠(Ming-Yuan Tang);黃嘉笙(Chia-Sheng Huang);施長志(Chang-Chih Shih)


生態心理學 ; 身體擺動 ; 知覺與行動 ; 移動室 ; ecological psychology ; body sway ; perception and action ; moving-room




17卷4期(2015 / 12 / 31)


414 - 428




生態觀點強調個體與環境的不可分割性,行為之發生存在於個體-環境系統之中。專項運動訓練雖可強化運動表現的特殊性,然而對動暈現象是否同樣有特定的影響仍未被驗證。本研究目的在於藉由移動室移動與站姿改變的操弄,從不同特殊運動經驗的個體與環境互動訊息,探討專項運動訓練對動暈易感性與姿勢控制的影響。本研究從六個專項運動招募選手62名以及同年齡不具選手身分的學生30名參與此實驗,以磁力追蹤儀在120 Hz取樣頻率下記錄受試者與移動室之位移數據,進行混合設計二因子變異數分析,檢驗實驗操弄對動作位移的差異性。研究結果顯示:除了射箭選手有較小的身體擺動變異之外,其他選手擺動基線不因專項運動訓練而有所不同。雖然專項選手並無特別的動暈程度變化,在不穩定的姿勢任務下,都採取明顯的姿勢調整以提高身體與移動室的空間對應關係。本研究結論:訓練特殊性可能影響姿勢控制,符合生物體行為與環境相互依存的生態觀點。


The ecological perspective emphasizes the indivisibility of individual and environment, as action takes place in the individual-environment system. Although athletic training is specific to motor performance, the effect of specific sport training on motion sickness is not thoroughly investigated. By manipulating moving-room movement and stance pattern, this study aimed to explore the influence of specific sport training on motion sickness susceptibility and postural control, in light of kinematic interactions between individuals and environment. Sixty-two athletes with different specific sport training and thirty age-matched non-athletes were recruited for this study. Magnetic tracking system was used to register the movements of participants and the moving-room at a sample rate of 120 Hz. The effects of the experimental manipulation on kinematic variables were examined with two-way mixed design analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that sway baseline was not different for any specific sport training, except archery. Athletes in archery exhibited a smaller postural sway than the non-athletes. Although all athletes were not clearly susceptible to motion sickness, they could utilize a greater postural sway to couple room movement during the instability task. In conclusion, specific sport training potentially affects the posture control, in agreement with the indivisibility of individual and environment from the ecological standpoint.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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