
運動新聞中的女性運動員形象分析:2015 威廉瓊斯盃國際籃球邀請賽「包喜樂效應」


Analysis of Female Athlete's Image in Sport News: "Joy Burke Effect" during William Jones' Cup International Tournament 2015




曾郁嫻(Yu-Hsien Tseng)


運動女性 ; 媒體再現 ; 網路新聞 ; 敘事 ; sporting female ; media representation ; online news ; narrative




19卷1期(2017 / 03 / 31)


1 - 18




本研究旨在探討2015 年瓊斯盃國際籃球邀請賽女子組賽事期間「包喜樂效應」新聞敘事策略,藉賽事期間媒體報導內容分析以檢視「包喜樂效應」報導策略及媒體建構運動女性形象偏好。本研究係採用論述分析,針對2015 年7 月14 至8 月7 日期間的網路運動新聞進行資料檢索,共獲得73 條相關新聞作為分析樣本。研究結果顯示:臺灣運動媒體建構「包喜樂效應」時,報導內容以女性運動員身體能力及競技表現為起點,而後便將焦點移轉至女性運動員外型及陰柔氣質的描繪。此外,國族意識並未作用於「包喜樂效應」之中,而是傾向以鄰家女孩形象及運動員生活經驗連結運動員與臺灣之間的連結。本研究所得結論如下:一、「包喜樂效應」採取「運動表現男性化、運動形象女性化」策略呈現運動女性形象,並於物化運動女性身體的同時削弱女性運動價值。二、「包喜樂效應」僅止個人魅力展現,未能召喚運動與國族認同之間的連結。


The purpose of this study was to explore the narrative strategy that was employed in sport news of "Joy Burke Effect" during the Women Basketball of William Jones' Cup International Tournament 2015. This study analyzed the online news contents of Women Basketball of William Jones' Cup International Tournament 2015, and disclosed the coverage preference on constructing the image of female athletes. The discourse analysis was used to analyze 73 online news articles of Joy Burke. The results revealed that the narrative of "Joy Burke Effect" was based on the female athlete's physical ability and athletic performance, and emphasized the appearance and femininity. The collective national awareness was not emerged, instead formed the image of "the girl next door" and further depicted the life experience in Taiwan to make the connection of Joy Burke and her Taiwan identity. It is concluded that the "Joy Burke Effect" illustrated a "masculinity athletic performance, femininity sporting image" phenomenon in masculinize and devalue female athletes. In addition, "Joy Burke Effect" cannot build the connection between national identity and sport, but only limit to personal charisma.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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