


Athletes' Justice Perceptions and Collective Efficacy: The Mediation Role of Trust in Coach




黃鈴雯(Ling-Wen Huang);廖主民(Chu-Min Liao)


教練領導 ; 團隊動力 ; 程序公平 ; 平等 ; 不公平 ; coaching leadership ; group dynamics ; procedural justice ; equity ; unfairness




19卷2期(2017 / 06 / 30)


134 - 147




過去的研究發現不公平對待運動員是不良的教練行為之一,不僅降低運動員的動機,也可能造成團隊分裂。本研究目的為瞭解運動員公平知覺與集體效能之間的關連性並檢驗運動員對教練的信任感是否對公平知覺與集體效能的關係產生中介效應。234 名高中與成人運動員參與本研究,填寫運動員公平知覺量表、領導信任量表與集體效能量表,控制變項為運動員的勝任感、知覺教練的投入程度。研究結果顯示:零階相關的結果發現運動員公平知覺、信任感與集體效能皆為正相關。多元階層迴歸分析未發現信任感的中介效應,不過整體而言,運動員公平知覺、信任感及控制變項(勝任感、教練的投入程度)顯著預測集體效能的各向度,解釋變異量介於17.72 ~ 29.21%。本研究結論:教練領導的行為中,訓練與指導行為之外,與運動員的互動品質也不容忽視,提高運動員知覺領導的公平性,尤其是決策過程的合理性(程序公平),讓運動員有平等的機會獲得資源,以及博得運動員的信任感都可能提高運動員對於比賽結果的信心程度,有助於團隊動力的發展。


Previous research has shown that athletes considered unfairness a main element in poor coaching, which demotivated athletes and divided the team. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between athletes' justice perceptions and collective efficacy and the mediating role of athletes' trust in coach in this relationship. Two-hundred and thirty-four high school and adult athletes were participated in this study. All participants completed questionnaires regarding their justice perceptions, trust in coach, collective efficacy, competence and coaching involvement perceptions. Athlete's perceived competence and perceived involvement of coaching were the control variables. Significant positive correlations among justice perceptions, trust in coach and collective efficacy were found. However, hierarchical regression analysis did not show a mediating effect of trust on the relationship of justice perception and collective efficacy. In general, justice perception, trust in coach, perceived competence and perceived involvement of coaching accounted for 17.72 ~ 29.21% of variance of collective efficacy. These findings suggest that other than teaching and training, coaches should pay more attention on the quality of their interaction with athletes. Increasing athletes' justice perceptions, especially fairness in decision-making (procedural justice) and trust in coach will enhance athletes' confidence in team success and development of team dynamics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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