


Effect of Run-Up Distances on Speed Control and Performance in Long Jumpers




蔡於儒(Yu-Ju Tsai);林正昌(Cheng-Chang Lin);廖丁立(Ding-Li Liao);湯文慈(Wen-Tzu Tang)


助跑速度利用率 ; 步幅變化 ; 起跳角度 ; approach speed utilization rate ; change in stride length ; take-off angle




21卷3期(2019 / 09 / 30)


243 - 257




本研究目的為探討優秀跳遠選手在不同助跑距離下,起跳前速度調控與跳遠距離的關係,並比較不同助跑距離下對選手速度調控參數與運動表現之差異。本研究以曾獲國內重大賽事前8名之9名男性大專甲組跳遠選手為研究對象。藉由全程及中程助跑距離之跳遠實驗,以動作分析系統記錄起跳前10 m速度及跳遠起跳前二步之動作,計算速度調控與動作特徵等相關參數。研究結果顯示:在全程助跑距離下,跳遠距離與起跳角度僅呈中度正相關,但在中程助跑距離下,跳遠距離與起跳角度呈現高度正相關,而與起跳前10 m速度變化增加量呈現高度負相關。以單變量F檢定結果顯示:在兩種助跑距離下,起跳角度、起跳前10 m最大速度、助跑速度利用率、助跑速度絕對利用率、起跳前二步步幅變化及起跳前5 m速度變化皆達顯著差異。本研究結論:在全程助跑距離下,助跑速度及速度利用率與跳遠距離有關,縮小起跳前最後一步的步幅,可減少起跳前速度的損失及提高起跳角度,提升跳遠距離;而在中程跑距離下,跳遠距離則與起跳角度高度相關,起跳前高助跑速度則不利起跳角度的產生與跳遠距離。


This study aimed to investigate the correlation between long jump distance and various variables related to speed control before take-off in 2 different run-up distance conditions, and also to compare the differences in speed control variables between 2 run-up distances. This study recruited 9 male collegiate long-jump athletes, who had achieved top-eight rankings in national-level competitions in Taiwan. Each participant was asked to perform 9 trials of long jump under both half and full run-up distance conditions, and the speed in the last 10 m and motions of the last 2-steps before take-off were recorded using an electro-optical motion capture system. The imaging data were further used to develop speed control and motion characteristics data. The results demonstrated that moderate correlation existed between long jump distance and take-off angle for the full run-up distance condition. However, a high positive correlation was found between long jump distance and take-off angle, and a negative correlation was noticed in the speed change in the last 10 m before take-off for the half run-up distance condition. The univariate F-test revealed significant differences between those 2 run-up distances in take-off angle, maximum speed in the last 10 m before take-off, approach speed utilization rate, absolute utilization rate of approach speed, change in stride length 2 steps before take-off, and change in speed in the last 5 m before take-off. These findings indicated that the run-up speed and approach speed utilization rate were related with the long jump distance for the full run-up distance condition. Furthermore, a long jumper may increase the take-off angle and long jump distance with less loss of his horizontal velocity before take-off by reducing the length of the last stride before take-off. However, the take-off angle was related to the long jump distance in the half run-up distance. A high run-up speed before take-off may reduce the take-off angle and further decrease the long jump distance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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