


Construction of Gender Negotiation and Agency in Female Runners of Different Ages




徐珊惠(Shan-Hui Hsu);丁瑋君(Wei-Chun Ting);林如瀚(Ju-Han Lin)


主體意識 ; 女性主義 ; 父權體制 ; construction of subjectivity ; feminist ; patriarchal social




21卷4期(2019 / 12 / 31)


316 - 330






Adopting Lynn Hankinson Nelson's feminist perspective, this study aimed to understand the experiences of female runners of different ages, especially with regard to their construction of subjectivity. The marathon/race has usually been considered a gender-neutral sport that encompasses the qualities of passion, persistence, patience, and perseverance. However, most sports media and related studies have largely focused on male runners and relied solely on male runners' experience and knowledge about the sport. A qualitative case study was adopted in the research. Six female runners from two age groups were targeted. Three major themes were discovered: (1) influences of patriarchal social values on female runners; (2) self-identity through practices of the body and mind; (3) construction of subjectivity in sports. The results from the different age groups of these targeted female runners highlighted changes to the patriarchal regime. In other words, the runners' roles shifted from mothers at home to female runners in the club. They were self-conscious of participating in the sport while still restricted by the social norms of being women. We conclude that the experience of these female runners represented a process of negotiation with patriarchal social values. On the other hand, their participation in sports provided them with a necessary means for the construction of knowledge and their subjectivities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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