


Effects of Somatic Movement Education Program on Flexibility for Middle-Aged People




林慧敏(Hui-Min Lin);劉美珠(Mei-Chu Liu);林儷蓉(Li-Jung Lin)


呼吸探索 ; 身體構圖 ; 身心平衡技法 ; 體前彎 ; 課程設計 ; breathing exploration ; body-mapping ; Body-Mind Centering® ; forward bend ; curriculum design




22卷1期(2020 / 03 / 31)


19 - 34




過去研究發現中年人在脊椎活動、下背及大腿後側肌群的延展度均不足、髖關節未能充分及正確使用,造成結構的壓迫和僵硬、柔軟度不佳。目前多數研究以高齡者為主,鮮少針對中年人以身心動作教育課程進行介入之實證研究。因此,本研究旨在探討身心動作教育課程對中年人柔軟度改善之成效。本研究採前實驗研究設計,以立意取樣篩選介於45~59歲之中年人,共112位參與者,經6週、每週3次、每次90分鐘,共18堂課程,排除不符合條件者,最後保留64位研究參與者進行分析。課程設計主要以呼吸探索、身體構圖、身心平衡技法、so-tai technique、Gyrotonic® method與Body Rolling®的動作與概念作為課程設計依據。研究結果發現,下列變項之後測皆顯著優於前測,包括站立體前彎、站姿右側彎、站姿左側彎、坐姿左轉體、坐姿右轉體,坐姿體前彎。本研究結論:身心動作教育以多樣化課程和身體結構認識,以適度放鬆肌肉張力與增加關節活動空間,並重視呼吸與自然動作的探索以提升柔軟度,建議未來研究能夠進一步針對本研究所採用之技法內容,建構出一套簡易的動作練習,以提供未來能夠將更多元的伸展方法推廣於大眾。


Research has found that middle-aged people have inadequate spine activity and limited extension abilities in the lower back and posterior thigh muscle groups, and that their hip joints are not adequately or properly used. Much research has focused on the elder population, but fewer studies have focused on the intervention of a somatic movement education program to improve the flexibility of middle-aged people. In this study, therefore, we investigate the effects of a somatic movement education program on the improvement of physical flexibility for the middle-aged people. The study utilizes a pre-experimental design to examine results obtained from 112 participants between the ages of 45 and 59. Participants were selected through purposive sampling. The intervention was composed of 18 programs conducted over 6 weeks (3 times per week, with each session lasting for 90 min). The curriculum design was based on the concepts of breathing exploration, body-mapping, Body-Mind Centering®, the so-tai technique, the Gyrotonic® method and Body Rolling®. In addition, this method focuses on breathing and natural movements for the improvement of flexibility. The results of this study indicate that post-test exercise results (the dependent variables) improved over corresponding pretest for each of the 6 exercises: the standing forward bend, standing right- and left-side turns, sitting right- and left-side turns, and the sitting forward bend. We conclude that somatic movement education, based on diversified training and body structure knowing, can relax muscle tension and increase joint motion. It is suggested that in the future we could develop a simple set of movement exercises based on the techniques used in this study to provide more extended stretching methods to the public.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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