


Along With the Calling: Relationship Between Career Adaptability and Meaning in Life for Physical Education Teachers




呂宛蓁(Wan-Chen Lu);胡丞筑(Cheng-Chu Hu);胡林煥(Lin-Huan Hu)


適應的生涯建構模式 ; 未來機會展望 ; 調節式中介 ; career construction model of adaption ; focus on opportunities ; moderated mediation




22卷4期(2020 / 12 / 31)


300 - 315






Based on career construction model of adaption, the purpose of the study was to explore the mediating factor of career "calling" (an inner drive or self-transcendence) and the moderating effect of focus on the opportunities among junior and senior high school physical education (PE) teachers. PE teachers from 210 schools around Taiwan (including junior, senior, and 6-year high schools) are chosen as the participants. Data was collected through questionnaires, 265 of which were valid. The results show that calling has a mediating effect on the relationship between career adaptability and meaning in life. When individuals show a higher level of career adaptability, they are able to achieve a better sense of meaning through engaging in their work. By fulfilling his or her career calling, an individual could experience higher meaning in life. In addition, focus on opportunities can moderate the relationship between career adaptability, calling, and meaning in life. When an individual has a strong focus on opportunities, this strengthens the mediating effect of calling in such a correlation. The findings of this study support career construction model of adaption and further clarify the moderated mediation relationship between a focus on the opportunities, career adaptability, calling, and meaning in life. Therefore, enhancing the career adaptability of PE teachers can effectively shape their calling, and then show the meaning of life through the perception of calling.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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