


Effectiveness of Functional Fitness Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults Using an Exercise APP for Seniors




王立亭(Li-Ting Wang);林彥程(Yen-Cheng Lin);何信弘(Hsin-Hung Ho);余義箴(Yi-Chien Yu);張少熙(Shao-Hsi Chang)


椅子坐姿體前彎 ; 椅子坐立 ; 原地抬膝踏步 ; 椅子坐立繞物 ; 開眼單足立 ; chair sit and reach test ; chair-stand test ; 2-min step test ; 8-foot up-and-go test ; single-foot standing test with eyes open




23卷2期(2021 / 06 / 30)


165 - 182




本研究旨在探討中高齡參與者使用「90活力站」運動應用程式(application, APP)對功能性體適能之效益。招募居住於臺北市55歲以上中高齡者為研究對象,共計94名中高齡受試者,使用「90活力站」運動APP共8週,透過雲端伺服器記錄使用時間,並進行功能性體適能檢測。研究結果顯示:年齡55~64歲以伸展影片使用最多,65歲以上則以綜合影片為主要觀看偏好。8週介入後55~64歲於椅子坐姿體前彎、椅子坐立、原地抬膝踏步與椅子坐立繞物有顯著進步;而65歲以上除了抓背測驗以外,其餘項目皆有顯著提升。影片類型與功能性體適能成績在55~64歲非直接相關;65歲以上則發現使用肌力影片時間越多與開眼單足立表現呈顯著之關聯性。本研究結論:一、中高齡者使用「90活力站」運動APP偏好不同;二、65歲以上功能性體適能改善較果更佳;三、65歲以上使用肌力影片與開眼單足立表現呈顯著正相關。


This study explored the effects of functional fitness among middle-aged and older adults using an Exercise application (APP) for Seniors. Ninety-four middle-aged and older participants were recruited in Taipei City. All subjects were asked to exercise regularly for 8 weeks with Exercise APP for Seniors. The average duration of app-use of individuals was recorded by a cloud server, and participants' improvement in functional fitness was assessed after the 8-week intervention. The results indicated that the participants aged below 65 spent most of their time watching stretching videos. Those aged above 65 primarily preferred watching videos covering comprehensive topics. The functional fitness test results reveal significant improvements among those below 65 in the chair sit and reach test, chair-stand test, 2-min step test, and 8-foot up-and-go test. However, the specific types of videos viewed were not correlated to the type of functional fitness improvements of the younger group. Although a significant improvement in functional fitness was found in both age groups, results were better for the older group. We conclude that: (1) Elderly people have different preferences regarding the usage of the Exercise APP for Seniors. (2) Significant improvements in functional fitness were also found in all of the measures except the back-scratch test among those aged 65 and above. (3) The same age group also demonstrated a significant positive correlation between performance on the single-foot standing test with eyes open and the use of muscle strength videos.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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