


Validation of the Chinese Version of Psychological Well-Being Scale-Short Form for Athletes




莊國上(Kuo-Shang Chuang);陳東韋(Tung-Wei Chen);邱奕銓(Yi-Chuan Chiu);許雅雯(Ya-Wen Hsu)


心理幸福特質 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; 效標關聯分析 ; 測量恆等性 ; psychological well-being feature ; confirmatory factor analysis ; criterion related validity ; measurement invariance




23卷4期(2021 / 12 / 31)


373 - 390




Ryff and Keyes於1995年所發展的心理幸福感量表(Psychological Well-Being Scale, PWBS)18題簡化版是正向心理學心理幸福特質研究的重要工具之一。本研究目的為將Ryff and Keyes之PWBS簡化版予以中文化並以運動員為樣本進行信、效度驗證。研究對象為高中與大學的運動員,研究分三階段進行,第一階段有效問卷324份,以PWBS 18題簡化版為藍本進行題目的中文化以及改編反向題;第二階段之有效問卷為354份,先進行驗證性因素分析與效標關聯分析等程序,並且提供聚合效度、區別效度、組合信度與平均變異數抽取量等資訊;而第三階段則以有效問卷567份進行測量的恆等性檢驗,主要統計方法為驗證性因素分析及多元相關分析。分析結果顯示:第一階段探索性因素分析後的量表包含「自主性」、「環境掌握」、「生活目標」、「自我接納」、「良好關係」與「個人成長」等6因素18個題項;第二階段透過競爭模式比較,發現二階6因素18題的結構更符合模型適配指標,且結果顯示量表具備可接受的聚合效度、區別效度、組合信度、平均變異數抽取量及效標關聯效度,第三階段分析結果顯示具有跨樣本以及折半樣本的測量恆等性。本研究結論:Ryff and Keyes的中文版運動員心理幸福感簡化量表經過多方驗證後為一信度與效度指標良好的測量工具,適用於運動員心理幸福特質之測量。


Ryff and Keyes developed the 18-item short form of the Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWBS) in 1995. It has been an important instrument in the research of the features of positive psychological well-being. The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the PWBS-short form for athletes by Ryff and Keyes. This study was divided into 3 phases. The first phase used the 18-item short form PWB as a blueprint to develop a Chinese version and to comply with reverse questions. In the second phase, confirmatory factor analysis and criterion related to validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability, and average variance extracted were provided. The third phase was to verify the invariance of a measurement using 567 valid questionnaires. The main statistics were confirmatory factor analysis and multiple correlation analysis. Results showed that after exploratory factor analysis in the first phase, the scale included 6 factors in 18 items: autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose of life, self-acceptance, positive relationship with others, and personal growth. Through the comparison of competitive models, this study found that the second-order 6 factors in 18 items were more suitable for model fits in the second phase. The results showed that this scale was facilitated with acceptable convergent validity, discriminant validity, composite reliability, average variance, and criterion related validity. The results of the third phase showed that it has cross-sample and split-half sample measurement invariance. We conclude that the Chinese version of PWBS-short form for athletes by Ryff and Keyes is a good measuring instrument with reliability and validity through the examination, which is suitable for measuring the features of psychological well-being among athletes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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