


Dance: Essentials of Art and Science




吳思嚴(Sz-Yan Wu);陳書芸(Su-Yun Chen);吳昇光(Sheng-Kuang Wu)




24卷2期(2022 / 06 / 30)


i - vi




舞蹈是藝術與身體活動結合升華的作品,舞者透過在特定的時間與空間中展現身體動作來表達某種情感或述說一個故事,如何協調一系列的舞蹈動作並能和諧地與音樂或他人配合,便是成為一個專業舞者或是完成一場精彩表演的重要課題(黃心怡,1999)。舞蹈動作技巧的發展須建立在良好的運動生心理功能基礎之上,並需要透過不斷反覆的練習及專業訓練來達到精熟,優秀舞者需有足夠的身體素質(例如:肌力、耐力、柔軟度、協調性、反應速度與視知覺)才能適當並有效率地完成每個舞蹈動作,並進一步達到「美」的境界(黃心怡,1999;Gabriela & Gheorghe, 2019)。此外,對身體、空間與節奏的知覺也是影響舞蹈動作與技巧表現的重要一環,以及最重要的是如何平順協調這些專項能力來呈現一連串的舞蹈動作,甚而與其他舞者、表演舞臺與背景音樂配合連動(Gabriela & Gheorghe, 2019)。現今許多運動競技項目已建立系統性的訓練模型來訓練專項能力與運動表現(Amonette, English, & Kraemer, 2016),不再只是單單依靠土法煉鋼或師徒單傳,也開始落實以科學證據為導向的運動訓練(吳昇光,2021)。然而,由於舞蹈技巧的複雜與獨特以及其與藝術結合的特殊性,若我們僅僅仰賴經驗傳承的傳統訓練體制,不僅無法有效率地發展舞蹈技巧與提升運動表現,更可能增加受傷的風險,進而斷送舞蹈的生涯。科學訓練方法應用於舞蹈訓練中:現代科學化訓練可以幫助我們針對不同專項或個別運動員來設計訓練計畫,其訓練方式與內容是必須能通過反覆驗證的。像是有研究調查近代所提倡的增強式訓練(plyometric training)對於不同運動選手能力的增益(鄧政偉、楊昌斌、林顯丞、洪大程,2021;鍾雨純、陳竑廷、何松諺、李凌純、吳慧君,2016)。而臺灣科技部更是在2018年提出針對棒球、羽球、桌球、 舉重、自行車的跨領域精準運動科學整合計畫強調運動科學及科技支援多項競技運動發展與突破(吳昇光,2021)。然而,相較於這些運動項目或是與其他國家相比(e.g., Koutedakis et al., 2007; Watson et al., 2017),目前臺灣在教學與研究領域皆鮮少能做到科學化與精準化,甚而當作者於2021年12月在華藝線上圖書館以「舞蹈」作為關鍵詞搜尋臺灣社會科學引文索引所收錄之期刊時,發現過去僅僅只有1篇原創性研究有關舞蹈技巧訓練(0.9%),而其他舞蹈相關運動科學文章有8篇關於身體意象(7.2%)、6篇關於身體適能(5.4%)、4篇關於生物力學(3.6%)、3篇關於運動生理(2.7%)以及2篇關於舞蹈治療(1.8%),這似乎顯示現今臺灣運動科學應用在舞蹈領域的不足。舞蹈究竟是藝術還是科學?黃心怡(1999)將舞蹈美學與技巧訓練做連結並探討如何練習舞蹈動作技巧,不僅提供淺顯易懂的背景知識,也能幫助教育工作者在實務上的應用,然而美中不足的是文中許多論述仍缺乏科學實證。過去曾有對於基本體能訓練會阻礙舞蹈技巧發展的誤解,然而在嚴謹的隨機控制實驗中卻發現提供額外的有氧與肌力訓練,不僅能增加體適能(fitness)更顯著提升了舞蹈動作表現(Koutedakis et al., 2007)。而近年來盛行的核心肌群訓練(core muscle strengthening)理論上是適合應用於舞蹈運動──有鑒於其在肢體伸展或是跳躍旋轉時對於軀幹穩定的要求,因此Watson et al.(2017)便進一步以超音波顯影技術來驗證核心訓練前後舞者腹橫肌(transverse abdominis)厚度的實際變化。另一篇有趣的研究則是針對芭蕾舞者的個別化訓練(individualized training),分析如何在力量與速度間取得平衡(force-velocity profile)來達到跳躍訓練成效的最佳化(Escobar Álvarez, Fuentes García, Da Conceição, & Jiménez-Reyes, 2019)。以上這些研究都是將科學訓練方法應用於舞蹈訓練中的例子,倘若指導者和參與者都能願意汲取與更新相關的運動科學知識,相信未來在訓練上必能更加精準且更有效率。有效訓練減少舞蹈運動傷害:頻繁反覆地出現運動傷害的問題經常困擾著舞者與教師,過去不同研究調查職業舞者每年運動傷害的發生率為67 ~ 95%(Bronner, Ojofeitimi, & Spriggs, 2003),因此傷害預防實乃現今舞蹈運動科學急需關注的議題。Biernacki, Stracciolini, Fraser, Micheli, and Sugimoto(2021)回顧過去研究來找出與芭蕾舞者運動傷害相關的風險因子,結果發現關節活動度過大(hypermobility)、下肢肌力不足與每週練習量過高等因素會增加下肢傷害的風險。為了因應舞蹈相關傷害的高發生率,便有學者提出將週期化(periodization)的運動科學訓練計畫應用在舞蹈訓練來預防過度訓練、運動傷害與舞蹈動作表現或學習下降(Wyon, 2010)。Vera et al.(2020)更是實際驗證傷害預防計畫實行在職業舞者的成效,結果顯示運動訓練介入(相較於控制組)能有效降低82% 的舞蹈傷害風險。從這裡我們可見科學家對於舞蹈運動傷害預防的貢獻,更見到臺灣在缺乏系統性調查報告及研究實證的環境下,不僅可能造成醫療資源不必要的消耗,也延宕了舞蹈運動的發展。增強舞蹈跨領域合作之科學研究:我們特別提倡「舞蹈既是藝術亦是科學」,科學能夠幫助我們安全有效率地發展舞蹈動作技巧以達到完美的藝術境界,而藝術也能激發運動科學的發展與應用!過去臺灣舞蹈運動科學研究較著重於舞者的身體素質(例如:下肢肌力、體型自覺、最大攝氧量,或身體質量指數等)或其對於特定訓練的改變(例如懸吊訓練)(陳書芸、陳哲修、賴長琦、江鴻粧、鄭鴻文,2016),但甚少進一步地觀察訓練介入對於舞蹈動作的直接影響(例如:動作效率、減少傷害等議題),而過去他國研究值得我們借鏡的便是其對於舞蹈動作表現的量化評估(Koutedakis et al., 2007; Watson et al., 2017),在這方面的發展應能幫助指導者與參與者更完整及深入地瞭解舞蹈這項運動美學。同時也需要進一步探討舞蹈與其他不同領域的交互作用,像是如何應用現代科技器材或技術來幫助舞蹈教學或訓練(例如即時3D 或全息投影)或是發展能及早發現舞蹈傷害的風險因子之評估方式或工具以及建立能有效預防傷害的訓練指引等。現今臺灣舞蹈運動科學仍處於發展萌芽階段,期望未來能有更多跨域合作之科學研究成果能提供舞蹈訓練的指導者與參與者實際應用,特別是在運動傷害防護、舞蹈動作發展以及身心健康促進發展的領域。


Dance is a specific combination of art and physical activity. Dancers express an emotion or tell a story by performing physical movements in a specific time and space. Typically coordination of a series of dance movements and harmoniously cooperate with music or others is an important issue to becoming a professional dancer or completing a wonderful performance (Huang, 1999). In addition, the perception of body, space and rhythm is also an important part of the performance of dance movements and skills. Professional dancers are able to perform their movements properly and efficiently (Gabriela & Gheorghe, 2019). These dance-related movements, however, need repetitive practice and specific training to become mastered and aesthetic (Huang, 1999). Many sports competitions today have established systematic training models to determine specific abilities and sports performance (Amonette, English, & Kraemer, 2016). They have also started to implement scientific evidence-oriented sports training (Wu, 2021). However, due to the complexity and uniqueness of dance skills, and the particularity of their combination with art, if we only rely on the traditional training system inherited from experience, we not only unable to efficiently develop dance skills and improve sports performance, but also increase the risk of injury and further ruining a career in dancing. Evidence-Based Training in Dance: Although contemporary training models can help us design sport- or athlete-specific training plans, the methodology and feasibility needs to be examined scientifically. For example, the effectiveness of plyometric training was confirmed in several sports (e.g., Chung, Chen, Ho, Lee, & Wu, 2016; Teng, Yang, Lin, & Hung, 2021). The Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan has held a long-term project since 2018 for baseball, badminton, table tennis, weight lifting, and cycling, to promote precision sport science and trans-discipline collaboration. However, the evidence-based practice for dancing in Taiwan is rarely conducted in education/ research settings compared to other sports or countries (e.g., Koutedakis et al., 2007; Watson et al., 2017). In this study, we have thoroughly searched the dance science articles published in the academic journals included in Taiwan Social Science Citation Index by using "dance" as the search term in the Airiti Library's database (https:// www.airitilibrary.com) in December 2021. The results showed that there was only 1 original paper regarding the dance skill training (0.9%), 8 articles on body image (7.2%), 6 articles on physical fitness (5.4%), 4 studies related to biomechanics (3.6%), 3 studies about physiology (2.7%), and 2 articles on dance therapy (1.8%). This sparse number of studies may indicate an early stage of the development of dance science. How can sport scientists help dancers? Huang (1999) integrated movement skill training with the aesthetic aspect of dancing. It provides background knowledge and useful suggestions in teaching, but some statements are lacking the scientific evidence. Previously, there was a misunderstanding that aerobic and strength training might impede the development of dance performance. However, this was ruled out in a randomized controlled trial (Koutedakis et al., 2007). Core muscle strengthening emerged in the recent decades and should be feasible for improving the dance performance due to the particular requirement of trunk stability in dancing (i.e., limb extension or turning jump). For example, Watson et al. (2017) used ultrasound imaging to measure whether transverse abdominis became thicker after the core stabilization training. Another interesting study investigated how to utilize the force-velocity profile to individualize and optimize the jumping training for dancers (Escobar Álvarez, Fuentes García, Da Conceição, & Jiménez-Reyes, 2019). The aforementioned studies are great examples of applying sports science in dance training. We believe if instructors/athletes were willing to learn/update the scientific knowledge, it would be more efficient and precise to teach/train the dance-related skills. Dancers may improve their related performance. Effective Training Approaches to Reduce Dance-Related Injury: Dancers often suffer from frequent and repetitive injuries. Due to the high annual injury incidence rate (67-95%) found in professional dancers (Bronner, Ojofeitimi, & Spriggs, 2003), how to reduce or treat injuries is critical for dancers, instructors, and clinicians. In a recent systematic review (Biernacki, Stracciolini, Fraser, Micheli, & Sugimoto, 2021), multiple risk factors of lower extremity injuries were determined for ballet dancers, such as hypermobility, decreased lower limb strength, and high practice amount per week. Wyon (2010) proposed to apply periodization in dance training to prevent overtraining, injuries, and decreased dance performance/ learning. Moreover, Vera et al. (2020) investigated the effectiveness of an injury prevention program for professional dancers. Their results showed that preventive exercise intervention significantly lowered (82%) the chance of dance-related injury (compared to the control group). As opposed to what sport scientists have done in prevention of dance-related injuries, we recognized a significant lack of systematic examinations and evidence-based research in Taiwan. This not only would increase the medical expenditure but also hinder the dance development. Advocate for Inter-Disciplinary Research in Dance: Precision sport science can help in developing the dance movement techniques/skills safely and efficiently, and eventually achieve the realm of art. Taiwan dancers' physiological and psychological profiles have been studied relatively limited (i.e., lower extremity strength, body image, maximum oxygen consumption, body mass index), as well as how these parameters adapted to an intervention (e.g., suspension exercise training) (Chen, Chen, Lai, Chiang, & Cheng, 2016). However, only a few studies explored the direct impact on dance movements/skills (i.e., movement efficiency or injury prevention). What inspired the researchers from past studies is the use of the quantitative method in evaluating dance performance (Koutedakis et al., 2007; Watson et al., 2017). This should provide a much clearer picture of precision sport science in dancing. Another future direction is highly recommended that-an inter-disciplinary collaboration between dancing and other domains. For example, how to use modern technology to help dance teaching/training (e.g., 3D projection mapping or holography). It is also warranted to develop dance-specific assessment tools to early identify the injury risk factors and then establish an injury prevention training guideline. Dance science in Taiwan is still in an early stage of development. Thus, we suggest that scientists and professionals should involve more in cross-domain research in dance skill development, injury prevention, and health promotion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
  1. 吳昇光, S.-K.(2021)。臺灣運動科學界更要講求「精準」。大專體育學刊,23(2),i-vi。
  2. 陳書芸, S.-Y.,陳哲修, C.-H.,賴長琦, C.-C.,江鴻粧, H.-C.,鄭鴻文, H.-W.(2016)。高強度間歇性懸吊運動訓練對舞者運動表現之影響。大專體育學刊,18(3),235-247。
  3. 鄧政偉, C.-W.,楊昌斌, C.-B.,林顯丞, H.-C.,洪大程, T.-C.(2021)。球技訓練及增強訓練對排球選手專項體能之比較。大專體育學刊,23(2),149-164。
  4. 鍾雨純, Y.-C.,陳竑廷, H.-T.,何松諺, S.-Y.,李凌純, L.-C.,吳慧君, H.-J.(2016)。水中阻力增強式訓練對大專籃球選手下肢肌力、跳躍能力及動態穩定度之影響。大專體育學刊,18(2),79-91。
  5. Amonette, W. E.,English, K. L.,Kraemer, W. J.(2016).Evidence-based practice in exercise science: The six-step approach.Champaign, IL:Human Kinetics.
  6. Biernacki, J. L.,Stracciolini, A.,Fraser, J.,Micheli, L. J.,Sugimoto, D.(2021).Risk factors for lowerextremity injuries in female ballet dancers: A systematic review.Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine,31(2),e64-e79.
  7. Bronner, S.,Ojofeitimi, S.,Spriggs, J.(2003).Occupational musculoskeletal disorders in dancers.Physical Therapy Reviews,8(2),57-68.
  8. Escobar Álvarez, J. A.,Fuentes García, J. P.,Da Conceição, F. A.,Jiménez-Reyes, P.(2019).Individualized training based on force-velocity profiling during jumping in ballet dancers.International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance,15(6),788-794.
  9. Gabriela, P. S.,Gheorghe, S.(2019).Systematization and rationalization of motor capacities in dance sport.Sport & Society/Sport Si Societate,19(2),50-57.
  10. Koutedakis, Y.,Hukam, H.,Metsios, G.,Nevill, A.,Giakas, G.,Jamurtas, A.,Myszkewycz, L.(2007).The effects of three months of aerobic and strength training on selected performance- and fitness-related parameters in modern dance students.The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,21(3),808-812.
  11. Vera, A. M.,Barrera, B. D.,Peterson, L. E.,Yetter, T. R.,Dong, D.,Delgado, D. A.,Harris, J. D.(2020).An injury prevention program for professional ballet: A randomized controlled investigation.Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine,8(7),2325967120937643.
  12. Watson, T.,Graning, J.,McPherson, S.,Carter, E.,Edwards, J.,Melcher, I.,Burgess, T.(2017).Dance, balance and core muscle performance measures are improved following a 9-week core stabilization training program among competitive collegiate dancers.International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy,12(1),25-41.
  13. Wyon, M.(2010).Preparing to perform: Periodization and dance.Journal of Dance Medicine & Science,14(2),67-72.
  14. 黃心怡, H.-Y.(1999)。舞蹈技巧訓練。中華體育季刊,13(2),123-129。