


Using Peer Coaching and Cooperative Learning into Teachers Education with the Integration of Digital Instruction




溫嘉榮(Jia-Rong Wen);施文玲(Wen-Ling Shih);鄧朱雅(Zhu-Ya Deng)


數位化教學 ; 同儕教練 ; 合作學習 ; 師資培訓課程 ; digital instruction ; peer coaching ; cooperative learning ; teacher education course




25期(2005 / 12 / 01)


103 - 126




本研究的主旨在探討運用同儕教練及合作學習於導入數位化教學之師資培訓之成效,遂探文獻探討、文件分析、專家座談、參與觀察及深度訪談等方法進行研究,首先,搜集國內外數位化教學之師資培訓相關文獻,設計編製培訓課程初稿,接著召開專家座談,廣納課程專家、教育學者、具實務經驗之教育工作者及系統開發專家之意見,以擬定正式之培訓課程計畫與課程內容。其次,遴選社會、自然、數學及資訊安全等八位現任的國小教師進行培訓,由種子教師(資訊教師)教導受訓教師(學科領域教師)資訊科技能力,以同儕教練的方式學習資訊技能,再運用合作學習中的團體探究法(Group Investigation,GI)分組學習導入數位化教學的方法。在教學之前、中、後研究小組皆對八名受訓教師做系統性的評量,除使用問卷調查以進行量的統計及分析外,並輔以「教室觀察法」、「半結構式晤談」等方式蒐集資料,以瞭解受訓教師在學習活動過程中知識、技能與態度上的改變,及對同儕教練、合作學習的感受。在完成學習後,四組受訓教師不僅習得多種教學應用軟體,更製作出內容豐富,且各具特色,可以在實際教學活動現場使用的教學網站,充分地將授課內容運用至實際教學課程中,所製作的網站豐富多元,內容包括網站組識圖、教案、課程剖析、學習單、評量等,也設計互動的功能,如:e-mail、討論區。經此訓練,教師們對資訊融入教學有了更深入體認,也提昇了資訊素養程度,證實本研究的課程設計及同儕教練、合作學習等策略在導入數位化教學的師資培育上的運用是極為成功的。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the strategy of teacher education using peer coaching and cooperative learning with the induction of digital instruction. Such techniques as literature review, document analysis, expert consulting, participatory observation, and in-depth interview were used in this research. First, literature on the teacher education models and practice with the induction of digital instruction in Taiwan and other countries was reviewed, and teacher education courses were developed. Then such courses were inducted, by using peer coaching and cooperative learning into the four disciplines of primary school: social studies, science, mathematics, and information, to train and educate teachers. This produced an excellent output of results. After learning this course, the teachers had very positive and fruitful learning experiences, Each team has produced results that can be actually used in instruction, and when they return to their school, they can use their learning achievements in their instruction. It is expected that the models offered by our research can help teacher training organizations, secondary and elementary schools that have integrated digital instruction into their courses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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