


Educational Practice, Knowledge and Action Research




潘世尊(Thie-Tzuen Pan)


行動研究 ; 教育知識 ; 教育實踐 ; 實踐哲學 ; action research ; educational knowledge ; educational practice ; practical philosophy




26期(2006 / 06 / 01)


1 - 21




英國學者W. Carr透過哲學批判與歷史重建賦予教育實踐新意,並指出教育研究宜為實踐哲學。其論述雖提示教育研究的重要方向;然而,實踐哲學之外的研究取向是否就缺乏價值?實踐哲學的具體實踐宜如何進行?又實踐哲學與其他研究取向之間的關係為何?都是值得進一步探討的問題。因此,本文旨在引介Carr的相關論述,並針對上述與教育研究有關之重要問題加以闡明。 首先,本文說明Carr對教育實踐以及教育研究宜為實踐哲學之討論。其次,以Carr的論述為基礎分析教育知識宜有特性,並指出實踐哲學之外的研究取向所生產的是「與教育有關之知識」。在透過實踐哲學形成教育知識的過程中,可做為判斷與選擇之參考。因此,對教育知識的形成而言,具「非直接」之價值。接著,說明實踐哲學之具體實踐即為行動研究,並從研究目的、對象、方法、參與者與結果等層面加以討論與深化。最後,依上述探討指出行動研究應與其他研究取向兼容並進;透過行動研究形成教育知識的過程中,宜參考其他研究取向所生產「與教育有關之知識」。如此,方能更有助於實踐知識之形成與教育活動之改善。


Wilfred Carr reconstructs the implication of ”educational practice” based on Aristotle's viewpoints; and proposes that ”educational inquiry as practical philosophy.” ”Practical philosophy” is indeed an appropriate approach for educational research. However; can we exclude any other method according to this? How should we improve our educational activities by practical philosophy? And; what is the relationship between practical philosophy and methods beyond it? The author argues firstly that approaches other than practical philosophy are still worthwhile by differentiating 'educational knowledge' from 'knowledge about education.' Then; he considers practical philosophy as action research based on the elaboration of its purposes; objects; techniques; participants; and results. Finally; he points out that action researchers may make better deliberation; judgment; and choice based on 'knowledge about education' produced by methods beyond practical philosophy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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