


Integrating Discourses of Ideas and Practical Needs for Elementary School Life Education




邱兆偉(Jaw-Woei Chiou)


生命教育的理念論述 ; 生命教育的實務需求 ; 國民小學生命教育 ; discourses of ideas for life education ; elementary school life education ; practical needs of life education




26期(2006 / 06 / 01)


133 - 162






The main purpose of this study is to take the approach of integrating discourses of ideas and practical needs in order to investigate the core contents of elementary school life education. The methods of literature survey, documentary analysis, and questionnaire survey are adopted for handling with related problems. Literature survey and documentary analysis are used for the purposes of inquiring about the core ideas of life education and providing necessary information for questionnaire construction. Based upon the finding secured from the data of 419 valid questionnaires (95%) of elementary school teachers in Kaohsiung Metropolitan City, the ideas of core contents are evaluated with empirical findings. Complementary information of practical needs of professional teachers is also included for the needs assessment of elementary school life education. In order to upgrade the effectiveness of program implementation, key dimensions and important indicators of elementary school life education are identified with proposed order of priorities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
  1. About ADEC
  2. History of ADEC
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