


Action Research: Remaining Critical or Becoming to Practical and Postmodern?




潘世尊(Thie-Tzuen Pan)


行動研究 ; 批判的行動研究 ; 實踐的行動研究 ; 實踐哲學 ; 後現代主義 ; action research ; critical action research ; practical action research ; practical philosophy ; postmodernism




28期(2007 / 06 / 01)


1 - 32




1980年代中期,W. Carr與S. Kemmis曾透過《朝向批判:教育、知識與行動研究》一書倡導「批判的行動研究」。他們認為實務工作者宜將客觀與主觀、個體與群體(或個體與體制、個體與社會),以及理論與實際置於辯證的關係,以改善自我的實務活動、對自我實務活動之理解,以及實務活動所進行情境之合理性與正義。近二十年來,他們的主張對行動研究產生深遠的影響。然從實踐哲學取向的行動研究與後現代主義的角度來看,批判的行動研究有若干值得商榷或進一步討論之處。對此加以探討以釐清行動研究的可能性、目的,以及究竟宜如何從事行動研究之問題,乃本文主要的意旨所在。 整體而言,筆者認為實務工作者可站在「朝向解放的相對主義」此一立場之上,以尋求能切合本身所面臨情境特性之良善行動為目標。方法上,Carr與Kemmis所倡導之批判的行動研究仍可做為主要的參考架構。惟在援用的過程中,宜參酌實踐哲學取向的行動研究與後現代主義的相關論述,然後透過實踐智慧之展現選擇宜有的做為。若能如此,行動研究之進行將如「柔水」般往前推進,從而創造更有教育價值之目的與手段。


”Critical action research” has been promoted by W. Carr and S. Kemmis through their book ”Becoming critical: Education, knowledge, and action research,” since the mid-eighties. They maintained that educational practitioners can improve the rationality and justice of their own practices, their understanding of these practices, and the situation in which the practices are carried out by critical action research. To meet the purpose, action researchers should consciously and dialectically interrelate ”objectivity and subjectivity”, ”individual and society”, and ”theory and practice”. In the last two decades, their view on action research has made a far-reaching influence. However, from the perspectives of practical philosophy and postmodernism, there are some issues need be deliberated over. Should we move from critical action research toward action research based on practical philosophy and postmodernism? The author suggests that educational practitioners can aim at constructing ”good” actions that can fit the characteristics of educational situations based on ”relativism but moving toward emancipation”. However, methods of critical action research proposed by Carr and Kemmis are still worthwhile and could be used to guide the implementation of action research. In spite of this, practitioners also have to refer to discourses of practical action research and postmodernism, and then select appropriate actions by the performance of ”phronesis” (practical wisdom). If educational practitioners can do this, they will make their own educational ends and means more and more rational, justificatory, and valuable.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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