


The Development of Creative Thinking Instruction Model by ScienceFair Awarded Teachers: Taking "The Motion of the Sun" as an Example




鄭英耀(Ying-Yao Cheng);劉昆夏(Kun-Shia Liu)


創意思考教學 ; 教材開發 ; 知識分享 ; 自然科 ; 創造性問題解決 ; creative thinking instruction ; teaching material development ; knowledge sharing ; science subject ; creative problem solving




28期(2007 / 06 / 01)


137 - 168




本研究旨在邀集具備豐富教學經驗的科展績優教師,建構一套適合推廣的創意思考教學模式及教材。教材開發成員包括七位國小自然科教師,平均教學年資20年,其中有五位教師曾榮獲五次以上之高雄市國中小科展第一名,而且七位教師之中有三位是國小教科書的撰述委員,兼具專業的教材開發能力。教材之開發歷程,首先由團隊成員透過定期的聚會討論與專業分享,建構適用於國小自然科的創意思考教學模式。其次,再依據所建構之模式,以「太陽的運行」為單元主題,設計一套適用於九年一貫課程的教案,提供國小教師教學上的參考。結果發現:科展績優教師團隊經過17次的討論與共識建立,依據創造性問題解決(creative problem solving)模式、科學探究(scientific inquiry)教學以及STS(Science/Technology/Society)教學的理念,將創意思考教學模式(Creative Thinking Instruction Model, CTIM)劃分為「教師的創意」與「學生的創意」兩大部分,包含「設計情境」、「發現問題」、「提出假設」、「設計驗證」、「解釋結果」以及「推廣應用」六個步驟。以「太陽的運行」為單元主題所設計的教案,不僅符合九年一貫自然與生活科技學習領域的能力指標,亦與坊間各版本教科書的主題相呼應,有利於教育現場實務教學之運用。


The main purpose of this study was to develop creative thinking instruction model and teaching material of science. Seven science fair awarded teachers with average 20 years of working experience were recruited as a team. Among them, five were awarded science fair champions more than five times in Kaohsiung city, and three were writing committee members of science textbooks. The study consisted of two stages. In the first stage, an appropriate Creative Thinking Instruction Model (CTIM) was constructed through panel discussion and shared teaching expertise. In the second stage, the teaching material of ”The Motion of the Sun” was developed on the basis of the constructed CTIM. The results indicate that: 1) a general consensus is reached by the team members through 17 panel discussions, and the essentials of creative problem solving model, scientific inquiry approach and STS (Science/Technology/Society) approach are combined on the basis of CTIM, which then is classified into ”creativity of the teachers” and ”creativity of the pupils”, which are further differentiated into a six-step instruction loop: situation designing, problem finding, hypothesis proposing, testing designing, results explaining, and application promoting/2) The teaching material of ”The Motion of the Sun” not only meets the competence indicators of science and life technology learning area in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum, but also is in accordance with the subjects of most commercial science textbooks. It can be applied to current science teaching and to promoting creativity education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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