


A Cross Time Study on the Causal Relationship between Promotion for Teaching Quality and University Brand




葉連祺(Lain-Chyi Yen)


大學品牌 ; 卓越教學 ; 教學品質 ; 教學卓越 ; excellence teaching ; teaching excellently ; teaching quality ; university brand




28期(2007 / 06 / 01)


195 - 224






To promote the teaching quality of university is an important issue in higher education currently. In Taiwan, Ministry of Education has been implemented one financial aid project during 2005-2008 to help some universities to develop excellence teaching. One theoretical model was used to test the correlation and influential effects between the promotion of teaching quality and the university brand effect. 1,032 and 814 undergraduates were sampled at twice from one university which gota financical aid in 2005. Their perceptions about promoting the teaching quality, university brand management and university brand effects were surveyed. The promotion of teaching quality included eight dimensions. Brand awareness and brand image were treated as university brand management variables. To attract senior high school student was treated as university brand effect variable. The findings indicated that some causal relationship existed among the eight dimensions of teaching quality and three university brand variables. To promote teaching quality was indeed useful to increase the university brand effects. Some models to explain the casual relationship among these variables were also proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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