


The Verification of Relationship among Expectancy, Value, and Mathematic Achievement by Structural Equation Modeling




林志哲(Chih-Che Lin)


國中 ; 期望 ; 價值 ; 數學成就 ; TIMSS ; expectancy ; junior high school ; mathematic achievement ; TIMSS ; value




29期(2007 / 12 / 01)


103 - 127




本研究依據Eccles和Wigfield等人所提出之期望-價值模式,並利用TIMSS2003資料,以提出一個影響數學成就的期望-價值模式,以探討影響台灣學生數學成就的相關因素。研究資料來源取自2003年國立台灣師範大學科學教育中心「TIMSS 2003」國中二年級學生共5379人為樣本,運用結構方程模式統計分析方法,對本研究提出的模式加以驗證。結果發現,實徵觀察資料支持本研究提出的假設模式,且根據模式所提出的假設也大多獲得證實:(1)個體的期望-(原理論僅期望部分,然經文獻探討,發現期望及能力信念二者高度相關,故合併之,保留二者內涵)能力信念與價值之間存有正向關係;(2)個體的期望-能力信念對其數學成就具有正向影響;(3)個體的工作價值對其數學成就的影響小於期望-能力信念的影響效果。另外,本研究也針對研究結果和方法論提出建議,以作為未來進一步研究的參考。


Based on the theory of expectancy- value from Eccles and Wigfield et al., this study aims to propose a mathematic achievement model and explore the correlated factors that influence the mathematic achievement of junior high school students in Taiwan. By using data from TIMSS 2003 collected by Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University in 2003, 5379 students were selected as samples. Results show that the empirical data support the hypothetic model in this study and hypotheses are almost confirmed: (1) Expectancy-ability beliefs of people correlate positively with their task values. (2) Expectancy-ability beliefs of people have positive effects on mathematic achievement. (3) Task values of people have a lesser effect on mathematic achievement than expectancy-ability beliefs of people do. Furthermore, this study proposes some useful suggestions to stakeholders and methods for the future study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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