


The Effects of Survey Modes and Issue-Familiarity of Questionnaire on the Response Rates and the Surveyed Contents




余民寧(Min-Ning Yu);李仁豪(Ren-Hau Li)


網路問卷 ; 調查方式效果 ; 議題熟悉度 ; Rasch模式 ; web-based questionnaire ; survey mode effects ; issue-familiarity ; Rasch model




30期(2008 / 06 / 01)


101 - 140






The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of survey modes and is sue-familiarity of questionnaires on the response rates and the surveyed contents. The questionnaires were administered to a stratified sample of 1,200 teachers who were randomly selected from elementary and secondary schools in Taiwan. The overall returned samples were 425 teachers and the response rate was 35.4%. Of the returned samples, the Web-based questionnaire group had 195 teachers (45.9%), and the paper-based questionnaire group bad 230 teachers (54.1%). This study not only used the chi-square test on the comparison of response rates, but also used the Rasch model converting Likert-type scale into continuous scale data and followed by analyses on surveyed content. This study found that: (1) there were neither interaction effects nor main effects on the response rates between the survey modes and issue-familiarity of questionnaires; (2) there were interactions on surveyed content between survey modes and issue-familiarity of questionnaire; yet, by simple main effect tests of differential item functioning (DIF), no matter in high or low issue-familiarity group, there was almost no DIF item appearing between Web-based group and paper-based group, but items that appeared differences between high issue-familiarity group and low issue-familiarity group in Web-based group were much more different from those in paper-based group; (3) main effect test of DIF for survey modes showed that there was no DIF between Web-based group and paper-based group. However, there was serious DIF phenomenon between high issue-familiarity group and low issue-familiarity group, and responses in high issue-familiarity group were more extreme than in low issue-familiarity group, (4) in sum, Web-based questionnaires could be suggested for substitution for paper-based questionnaires or for using them both together on the future researches, because they almost have the same effects Finally, some suggestions for future studies were also proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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