


A Study of the Development and Factorial Structure of a School Service Quality Scale




丁學勤(Shueh-Chin Ting)


PZB模式 ; SERVQUAL量表 ; 交叉效度分析 ; 學校服務品質 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; PZB model ; SERVQUAL scale ; cross-validation analysis ; school service quality ; confirmatory factor analysis




33期(2009 / 12 / 01)


115 - 158






The purpose of this study is to develop a school service quality scale (SSQ scale) with rigorous factorial structure. First, this study is based on ten latent factors of PZB's service quality to develop the measuring items; then, these items are reclassified by exploratory factor analysis. Second, this study collects 612 valid samples from the teachers of elementary schools in Tainan County and randomly divides the samples into two sets. The first sample set is used to conduct confirmatory factor analysis. This study adopts the way of comparing the model fitness of the competitive models to choose the best model, and in turn, this study further tests the reliability and validity of the best model, including individual item reliability, composite reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity. At last, using the second sample set, this study analyzes the cross-validation of the best model to assure the stability of the factorial structure.This study has two contributions. The first contribution is to have developed a copy of SSQ scale including five latent factors (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) and 15 measuring items as an effective measuring instrument for school service quality. The second contribution is to have verified SSQ is a two hierarchical factorial structure and the structure is stable.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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