


The Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Taiwanese Aboriginal Elementary Schools: The Effect of Social Exchange among Differential Racial Groups




鄭燿男(Jao-Nan Cheng)


社會交換 ; 組織公民行為 ; 族群 ; social exchange ; organizational citizenship behavior ; racial group




33期(2009 / 12 / 01)


159 - 201






The population of this study is aboriginal elementary schools nationwide and researcher hopes to further explore this issue and possible effects in aboriginal schools. The valid samples of 1,144 from census survey. It is explored in, the result that it has in-group categorization in aboriginal elementary schools, but the categorical effect just shows the feeling exchange and job support, not further affecting the perception of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). While it reveals in the study the OCB is not high, the concern of school effectiveness and self-discipline in work are lower in DCB. If teachers perceive more organizational justice and job suitable tasks, they can improve the above behaviors. In addition, in the past study based on non-aboriginal schools, it revealed the feeling exchange positively affected OCB. The study shows the higher perception of social exchange is, the lower self-discipline in work is. Managers must enhance the teachers' self-discipline through job support. It reveals in the result a special leadership style in aboriginal elementary schools.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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