


An Analysis of Ethical Condition of Eco-Citizenship Consciousness: Among Fear, Utility, and Poetic Imagination




王俊斌(Chun-Ping Wang);涂真瑜(Chen-Yu Tu)


永續性 ; 生態公民資質 ; 效益 ; 詩性想像 ; 灌輸 ; sustainability ; eco-citizenship ; utility ; poetic imagination ; indoctrination




33期(2009 / 12 / 01)


203 - 233






This article aims to analyze three eco-ethical propositions. In order to do so, those propositions are transformed into three ethical conditions in relation to ecological issues and environmental education. They are Condition A: Fear and Co-responsibility, Condition B: Utility and Human Happiness, and Condition C: Poetic Imagination and Positive Eco-citizenship. Each of them is involved in particular standpoint and demonstrates valid argumentation respectively. The authors suggest that Condition C may be a better way for sustainable education. It can be put into practice by offering texts of literature, art or movies to enrich students' poetic imaginations and thus to cultivate citizens' ecological literacy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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