


The Effect of Social Network and Teaching Quality on College Students' School Satisfaction and Loyalty in Taiwan




林俊瑩(Chunn-Ying Lin);吳百祿(Pai-Lu Wu)


社會網絡 ; 結構方程模型 ; 學校教學品質 ; 學校滿意度 ; 學校忠誠度 ; social network ; structural equation modeling ; school teaching quality ; school satisfaction ; school loyalty




33期(2009 / 12 / 01)


75 - 114






The main purpose of this study is to investigate the causal mechanism affecting college students' satisfaction with, and loyalty to, schools in Taiwan. By referring to the literature, five hypotheses and a causal model are developed to explore the interrelationships among four constructs: social network, school teaching quality, school satisfaction and school loyalty. Taking the national samples of colleges involved in the Taiwan Higher Education Survey, the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach is adopted to test the hypothesized relationships in this study. The results show: Generally speaking, students' satisfaction and loyalty to the schools they attended were not high. The results from SEM have confirmed that social network and school teaching quality have direct or indirect positive effects on school satisfaction and loyalty. As we can s e, the administrators of hi her education have to simultaneously promote their social relationship quality and school teaching quality so that they can boost students' school satisfaction and loyalty. Finally, some suggestions are made regarding' school management and improvements for future causal models.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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