”McDonaldization” has become an increasingly prevalent phenomenon in our current society. According to Ritzer, this is the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are increasingly coming to dominate many sectors of American society as well as of the rest of the world. McDonaldization is an amplification and extension of Weber's theory of rationalization. For Weber, the model of rationalization was the bureaucracy; for Ritzer, the fast-food restaurant is the paradigm of McDonaldization. The purpose of this study is to reflect on the McDonaldization of school curricula. First, the researcher isolates the specific traits of McDonaldization and discusses some of its most familiar discourses. Then the McDonaldization of school curricula based on these traits is analyzed, and following this several of the most famous cases of anti-McDonaldization are explored. Finally the researcher criticizes the McDonaldization of school curricula based on curriculum theories and principles, and advocates changing the principles of our current curricular systems in order to place the emphasis on essential quality, autonomy and creativity rather than on efficiency, calculability, predictability and control.
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