


The Development and Testing of a Working Memory Performance Task in Mathematical Problem Solving for First Graders




許家驊(Chia-Hua Hsu)


運作記憶 ; 運作記憶表現作業 ; 解題 ; 解題運作記憶評量 ; 解題學習歷程 ; working memory (WM) ; working memory performance task ; mathematical problem solving (MPS) ; assessment of WM in MPS ; learning process in MPS




34期(2010 / 06 / 01)


143 - 177






This study used functional and learning content analysis to develop and test a working memory performance task (WMPT) in mathematical problem solving. The subjects were first graders from Chiayi who were chosen by purposeful and cluster sampling. All subjects were tested with the WMPT, then analyzed by statistical methods. First, the adequate internal consistency coefficient and composite reliability were verified. Second, the results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA and CFA) yielded two factors: information preservation and simultaneous processing. Third, the adequate critical ratios were found for single item tasks, sub-tasks and whole tasks. Finally, performances on the WMPT in mathematical problem solving showed significant differences, especially as a function of students' gender and level of academic achievement in mathematics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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