


A Performance Assessment for a Drama Curriculum in the Elementary School-Developing Scoring Rubrics for Basic Drama Ability




林玫君(Mei-Chun Lin)


表演藝術 ; 戲劇教育 ; 實作評量 ; 評分規範 ; performing arts ; drama education ; performance ssessment ; scoring rubrics




34期(2010 / 06 / 01)


179 - 222






This study aimed at developing a set of Scoring Rubrics based on the ”New Drama Curriculum Guidelines” for assessing ”Content I: Basic Drama Ability” in the elementary classrooms. The researcher started to set up 3 preliminary Drama Scoring Rubrics, and afterward they were revised through an action research project in the elementary classroom. 13 specially-trained teachers improved these ready-made Drama Rubrics, and then went back to their own classrooms to test the feasibility of the Rubrics and locate any problems. From the repetitive data derived from teaching observation records, teachers' reflection notes, students' actual performances, and teachers' interactive discussions, 3 Drama Content I Rubrics were developed and adapted: ”Sensation & Imagination,” ”Body & Movements” and ”Sounds & Voices.” In the process, it was also found that some pitfalls need to be avoided in describing the Rubric contents, and these included: ”usage of words,” ”focus of dimensions” and ”clarity of classifications.” It is expected that this action research will provide Performing Arts teachers with an assessment model for Drama curricula and teaching.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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