In this study, the case is a student with selective mutism in elementary school. It employed observations, interviews, and document analysis to explore the conditions and demands for supporting services for ten months. Following are the major conclusions throughout triangulation.1. A clear look at the original conditions of the case: It doesn't mean the case can't speak and learn even though she always keeps silence in school. If only school related professionals can highly regard her strengths and weaknesses in different contexts and help her to avoid the anxiety situations, she can do many things. Also, resource teachers play an important role in designing multidisciplinary plan including self modeling, play therapy, computer-assisted instruction, and medication.2. Conflict origins from family and demands of family support services: Although the case's family has the advantage of a better economy, conflict comes from family and lacks of proper educational concepts of her parents are disadvantages. Without bias, school related professionals have to provide related services and medical assistances to meet her special needs, and to suggest her family to stop teasing her weaknesses.3. The needs of school support service: The case could receive related services because of wide support from school principle, and according to the case's abilities the resource teachers have to collaborate with school personnel to provide the case assistances including planning, studying, using resources, and avoiding peer stress throughout properly training of peer assistances.4. Adaptations and redesigns of inclusion: A mix of students isn't an inclusion. Even though the maximum inclusive program may not exist in real world, the optimum is available. Resource teachers need to create suitable inclusive environments throughout adaptations including providing support services from family, teachers, and administrations.
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