


Involving Classroom Voluntary Activities: A Case of Perspectives from Parents of Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities




黃志雄(Chih-Hsiung Huang)


個案研究 ; 班級義工活動 ; 家長參與 ; 重度及多重障礙 ; case study ; classroom voluntary activities ; parent involvement ; severe and multiple disabilities




21期(2009 / 12 / 01)


75 - 97




本研究旨在瞭解重度及多重障礙學生家長參與班級義工活動的覺知歷程,透過個案研究方式,探討重度及多重障礙學生家長對家長參與的覺知,以及參與班級義工活動的歷程,並分析家長參與班級義工活動對親師關係與學生的影響。研究對象為一重度及多重障礙班級中的13位學生、14位家長和2名老師,資料的蒐集包括深度訪談、參與觀察、檔案資料和研究日誌,以開放編碼和主軸編碼進行資料分析,並透過三角驗證、參與者驗證和同儕驗證來增進研究的信、效度。 研究結果發現: 1.參與研究之重度及多重障礙學生家長,普遍地認同班級義工活動和家長參與。 2.影響家長參與班級義工活動的因素包括工作、家庭、孩子的特殊需求、家長個人身體狀況和使命感、老師的接納態度以及學生的反應。 3.班級義工活動對家長的影響包括:調整對孩子的教養態度、調整自我的心情、學習與孩子互動的方法、以及促進自我期許等,顯示班級義工活動達到促進家長的增權賦能。 4.班級義工活動能夠促進親師合作,同時也提供老師更多的人力支援,和促進教師的自我督促與期許。 5.家長參與義工活動對親子互動有正向的影響,同時亦有助於學生的學校學習,特別是在生活自理能力的類化和學習意願,以及功能性學科的個別學習。


The purposes of this study were to understand parents' awareness and progress of involving voluntary activities in their children's classroom. A case study was applied to find out the effects among teachers, parents, and students relationships through the participation and voluntary activities. A class of children with severe disabilities was the subject of this study, included 13 students, 14 parents and 2 teachers. The data were collected with in-depth interview, participated-observation, documents, and research diary. The open coding and axial coding were used to analyze the data collected, and the triangulation, member checks, and peer examination were used to promote the reliability and validity. The major findings of this study were: 1. Parents who have children with severe disabilities assented to voluntary activities. 2. The factors affected the parents participations including jobs, family, children's special needs, parents' health conditions and responsibilities, the teachers' attitudes to accept voluntary activities, and students' respondence. 3. The effects of voluntary activities on parents included: to adjust their educational strategies and attitudes toward their child, to adjust their mood, to learn how to interact with their kids, and to promote self-expectation. It also indicated that involving classroom voluntary activities can increase parents acquiring support and empowerment. 4. Classroom voluntary activities can also advance the cooperation between teachers and parents. It also provided more human resources to assist and supervise teachers. 5. Parents as volunteers have interaction positive effects of parents and kids, and also help children with severe disabilities to learn in school, especially, to generalize the daily living skills, to raise learning motivation, and to improve individual learning in functional academics.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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