


The Effects of Picture Prompt Teaching Strategy on Hygienic Skills of Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Vocational High Schools




洪佩妤(Pei-Yu Hung);林惠芬(Hui-Fen Lin)


圖片提示教學策略 ; 高職綜合職能科學生 ; 衛生技能 ; 單一受試 ; picture prompt teaching strategy ; students with mild intellectual disabilities ; vocational high school ; hygienic skills ; single-subject research




27期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 29






The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of picture prompt teaching strategy on teaching hygienic skills to three students with mild intellectual disabilities in senior vocational high school. The study used multiple-probe, across-participant design with baseline, treatment, maintenance, and generalization phases. Training sessions were conducted three times a week, each lasting for 40 minutes. During training sessions, the participants were taught to utilize 20 picture cues of washing and cutting sequences within the tasks. The intervention was combined with constant 5-second delay, verbal prompts, and verbal praises. Data were collected on percentages of correct steps, time of completion, and frequency of picture use. The results were analyzed through percentage statistics and visual analysis. Furthermore, the researcher interviewed the three participants and their coordinating teacher to gather their opinions about this study. The results showed that picture prompt teaching strategy was effective in increasing correct performance of tasks for all three participants with mild intellectual disabilities. They learned the tasks successfully and were able to complete each step more efficiently than before. They also could maintain hygienic skills correctly and generalize the task performance to other places and to new food ingredients. In addition, two of the three participants could even complete tasks without the use of picture prompts at the end of the study while the other one may still need to rely on picture cards. According to the interviews, the three participants and teacher held positive attitudes and were satisfied with the intervention effects of picture prompt teaching strategy.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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