


A Survey Study of the Current Status for Students with Disabilities Bullied by Peers in Inclusive Classes


羅丰苓(Feng-Ling Lo);盧台華(Tai-Hua Lu)


霸凌 ; 身心障礙國中生 ; 受凌學生 ; 融合教育 ; school bullying ; inclusive education ; junior high school students with disabilities ; bullied students




29期(2013 / 12 / 01)


73 - 102






The bullying problem in Taiwan's schools has been increasingly serious. It is important to examine the bullying facing the students with disabilities who study in general classes. The purpose of this study was to explore the reality of the students with disabilities who are placed in general, classes and bullied by their peers. The main findings of this study are shown as follows.1. Thirty-three percent of the students with disabilities placed in general classes have suffered peer bullying whereas only 5% of their regular peers have been bullied. The bullying ratio for students with disabilities is significantly higher than that for regular students. In addition, the bullying ratio for female students with disabilities is even higher.2. The bullying behaviors encountered by students with disabilities are mainly exhibited via verbal and relational patterns. The major cause for bullying is lack of social skills. Moreover, the bullying behaviors and their causes perceived by students with disabilities are inconsistent with those perceived by their peers and teachers. This study provides recommendations for teaching, counseling, and future studies on students with disabilities.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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