


The Effects of Applying Individualized 3D Printing Keyboard to Improve the Typing Skills of Junior High School Students with Special Needs


張嘉恩(Chia-En Chang);佘永吉(Yung-Ji Sher);陳振昇(Chen-Sheng Chen);簡睦容(Mu-Jung Chien)


學習障礙 ; 三維列印 ; 電腦鍵盤 ; 打字功能 ; 行動研究 ; Learning disabilities ; 3D printing ; computer keyboard ; typing function ; action research approach




38期(2023 / 06 / 01)


27 - 48






3D printing technology has become a trend in recent years and is often used in various fields. Some students who have learning disabilities are affected by their literacy, handwriting difficulty, and poor sensory motor skills, so they are provided with assistive computer typing services. Some studies have revealed that while typing on a regular computer keyboard, subjects often press two keys at the same time, press the same keys more than once, and find the keyboard unsuitable. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of typing skills for subjects with learning disability using an individualized computer keyboard with 3D printing technology. The research is to improve the subject's typing performance through the individualized 3D printing keyboard. The research is conducted in the way of action research approach. The research subject is a junior high school student with learning disabilities. The research uses the alternating treatments method to observe the improvement of the subject's typing skills after using the 3D printing keyboard. The subject was evaluated three times a week, and the evaluation lasted ten weeks. The evaluation standard is the subject's typing speed and typing accuracy. Data analysis was conducted by action research approach, also supplemented by interviews and questionnaires in order to understand the subject's feelings and satisfaction. The conclusions are as follows: 1. It is feasible to apply 3D printing technology in the individualized computer keyboard for students with learning disabilities in junior high schools. 2. The individualized 3D printing computer keyboard can partly enhance the typing speed of students with learning disabilities in junior high schools. 3. The individualized 3D printing computer keyboard can partly enhance the typing accuracy of students with learning disabilities in junior high schools. This research explains and analyzes the research results, and provides relevant suggestions for future research. It is expected that 3D printing technology will be used in more and more schools.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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