


Effects of Extraction Conditions and Chicken Raw Materials on the Characteristics of Dripped Chicken Essence




林俊仁(Chun-Jen Lin);吳嘉琳(Chia-Lin Wu);林含蓉(Han-Jung Lin);饒瑩華(Yung-Hwa Rau);傅偉光(Weiguang Fu)


滴雞精 ; 白色肉雞 ; 土雞 ; 烏骨雞 ; 游離胺基酸 ; Dripped chicken essence ; Broiler ; Native chicken ; Silkie ; Free amino acid




55卷5&6期(2017 / 12 / 01)


262 - 269




本研究之目的在探討以不同的萃取條件與雞種原料所得滴雞精間的組成分差異。以鹿野土雞肉為原料,選擇100,105℃及121℃蒸氣迴流與105℃蒸氣不迴流共4種條件萃取5小時製備滴雞精,並進行樣品組成分分析。結果顯示,100℃蒸氣迴流組之製成率最高,在不同萃取溫度之蒸氣迴流組別間,各組成分含量有隨著萃取溫度上升而呈下降趨勢,其中灰分含量及水分含量部分達顯著差異(p <0.05)。而105℃蒸氣不迴流組之製成率顯著較低,總游離胺基酸及總支鏈胺基酸含量則顯著高於105℃蒸氣迴流組(p <0.05),續以5種雞種原料(白色肉雞、黑羽土雞、紅羽土雞、黃金土雞、烏骨雞)以蒸氣不迴流方式(105℃,5 h)萃製滴雞精,並進行樣品組成分分析。結果顯示,以白色肉雞所得滴雞精之製成率最高,此外,總游離胺基酸及包含支鏈胺基酸等多數游離胺基酸個別含量均顯著高於以其他4種有色土雞所得滴雞精者,且帶苦味胺基酸之比例亦較高;而以有色土雞所得之滴雞精則較以白色肉雞所得者有較高之牛磺酸與二胜肽含量。綜合上述結果,以105℃蒸氣不迴流萃取條件所得滴雞精之營養價值較高,以不同雞種原料所得之滴雞精具有各異之游離胺基酸含量組成及風味特性。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of extraction temperature (100, 105°C and 121°C) with/without vapor reflux on the composition of dripped chicken essence (DCE). Results showed that ash contents of DCE decreased with the increase of extraction temperature, whereas other major component did not change significantly. In addition, DCE processed at 105°C without vapor reflux have demonstrated higher free amino acids and branched amino acids levels than that at 105°C with vapor reflux (p < 0.05). More importantly, this study has also concluded that chicken breed was a critical factor affecting the composition of DCE. Results showed that DCE made with broiler chickens had the highest free amino acids and bitter amino acids levels among five different chicken breeds used (p < 0.05). The DCE made with native chicken breeds have higher taurine and dipeptide levels than broiler chickens used (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the nutrients and taste characteristics of the DCE are affected by the chickens that applied in the process. Manufacturers can choose different chicken raw materials for DEC products development according to their specific purposes.

主题分类 生物農學 > 農業
生物農學 > 森林
生物農學 > 畜牧
生物農學 > 漁業
生物農學 > 農產加工
工程學 > 化學工業
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