The moisture content of harvested wet paddy rice is about 20~35%, and it is easy to germinate and spoil; therefore, it must be dried to lower than 15% for storage. The objective of this study is to establish the operating conditions for rapid drying of rice by radio frequency (RF) with hot air to achieve both energy and time saving effects, and to analyze the qualities of brown rice and polished white rice by RF drying and 45℃ cold air drying. The results was shown that increasing the rice load from 1 kg to 4 kg and reducing the electrode plate gap will increase the power of the RF output. The RF-hot air drying rate of 4 kg wet paddy rice was 73 g/min to complete drying within 10 min. The final temperature of rice was up to 110℃ to achieve the effect of parboiled rice by steam pre-cooking. The power consumption of drying rice paddy was showed that RF-hot air drying was much lower than cold air drying. Comparing the brown rice and white rice of the two drying methods, the white rice dried by radio frequency had a yellower color, so the L* value was lower, and the a* and b* values were higher. In The 9-point hedonic sensory evaluation, there was no significant difference in odor, flavor, texture and overall performance; however, the ethanol extract from RF white rice had a higher scavenging DPPH power; in addition, the RF dried brown rice has less cracking, and the white rice has a higher broken rice rate, amylose content is higher, but the taste score is lower. Overall, radio frequency can be applied to the rapid drying of rice for direct preparing parboiled rice to achieve enhanced nutrition, reduce the damage rate during rice milling and solve the problems of mold and pests during storage.
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