


A Questionnaire Survey on Adult Cochlear Implant Users in Taiwan




劉樹玉(Shu-Yu Liu);劉俊榮(Chun-Jung Liu);王南梅(Nan-Mai Wang);郭于靚(Yu-Ching Kuo);黃國祐(Kuo-You Huang)


電子耳 ; 聽覺障礙 ; 成人 ; 聽力損失 ; 電子耳使用現況 ; Cochlear implantation ; Hearing impairment ; Adults ; Questionnaire ; Device usage




22期(2009 / 01 / 01)


25 - 53






It is estimated about 400 adults with severe-to-profound hearing impairment in Taiwan have received cochlear implantation since 1990. However, few studies have been done on the daily use of cochlear implant (CI) and subjective evaluation by implantees. The aim of this study was to conduct a questionnaire survey on adult CI users so as to obtain crucial information including demographic data, device usage, maintenance and expense, funding, and comments on government policy of CI. Around 200 questionnaires were sent to CI recipients through several medical centers and 61 questionnaires were returned. The majority of these CI users (73.77%) are young adults, aged between 18 and 40. While 23 patients (40.4%) were employed and 19 (33.3%) were at school, 14 (24.56%) were unemployed. Two-third of them used their devices more than 8 hours every day. 40 patients (70%) reported that they had little or no hearing difficulty in daily listening situation. The percentage of using oral communication had increased from 55.7% to 72.1% after implantation. Most implant users stated that receiving a CI was a correct decision. In conclusion, the results showed that adult CI users perceived significant benefit from their implants. The results of self report by CI users also provided valuable information for those considering cochlear implantation, surgeons, hearing professionals, and the government policy makers.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 外科
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