Dichotic digit tests (DDTs) are commonly used for assessing central auditory processing; however, there are few Mandarin studies available for reference. This study was designed to reveal the non-pathological effects of ear, gender and digit length for recognition performance by using self-developed DDTs in Mandarin. In this study, forty male and forty-three female college students whose primary language was Mandarin were given Mandarin one-, two- and three-pair DDTs in free recall paradigm. The results suggest that there is no difference between the sexes in recognition performance on one-, two- and three-pair DDTs. No difference in recognition performance between the left and the right ear was found in any DDT, which suggests there is no left- or right-ear advantage. Furthermore, the differences between the left and the right ear in one-, two- and threepair DDTs do not differ significantly from each other. However, the longer the digit string, the poorer the recognition performance is.
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