


The Exploration of Designed Melodic and Rhythmic Spoken Languages in Melodic Intonation Therapy Method-Chinese Version (MIT-C)




張乃文(Nai-Wen Chang);曾琬婷(Wan-Ting Tseng);曾進興(Chin-Hsing Tseng)


旋律語調治療法 ; 失語症 ; 語言治療 ; 音樂治療 ; 音樂與語言 ; Melodic intonation therapy ; Aphasia ; Speech therapy ; Music therapy ; Music and language




29期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 21




本文主要目的是初步探討協助失語症患者說話流暢的「華語旋律語調治療法」(melodic intonation therapy-Chinese version),在設計旋律性語句時,其旋律性語調高低和節奏性字詞時間長短配置之適切性。第一部份是從語句旋律設計角度,以孫從音(1986)的戲曲聲調配曲七大原則作為依據,檢視語句旋律設計是否符合聲調配曲原則,結果顯示九成(90.7%)旋律性語句符合該戲曲聲調配曲原則;第二部分則就語句節奏性設計角度,從語句節奏特性、語句節奏配置觀點以及實際臨床考慮等三方面,討論華語法採用音節計時(syllable-timing)的合宜性。期望藉由本文初步探討,提供未來語言治療師或是其它人員施用該治療法時,可依據簡易、非音樂性的基本原則,作為設計語句旋律與節奏之參考。


The purpose of this study is to explore the 20 designed melodic sentences of spoken language in melodic intonation therapy-Chinese version (MIT-C) based on the tonal rules of a Chinese traditional opera by Sun Congyin (1986), and to discuss the suitability of applying syllable-timing or stress-timing method when dividing words of spoken language into rhythmic sentences. The results indicate that the designed melodic sentences of spoken language have matched the Sun's rule with the accuracy of 90.7%. And the syllable-timing method is a convenient way to design rhythmic sentences in MIT-C based on the reviews of rhythmic characteristics of sentences, the point view of disposing sentence rhythmically, and the considerations of clinical practices. The finding and discussion provide a basic, simple and non-music guideline to speech pathologists for designing melodic sentence of MIT-C in future use.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 外科
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