


Childhood Hearing Screening Beyond Newborns




劉樹玉(Shu-Yu Liu);葉文英(Wen-Ying Yeh);江源泉(Yuan-Chuan Chiang);羅意琪(Yi-Chi Lo);張憶萍(Yi-Ping Chang);周寶宣(Pao-Hsuan Chou);何旭爵(Hsu-Chueh Ho);蔡政道(Jeng-Dau Tsai)


聽覺健康照護 ; 聽力損失 ; 兒童聽力篩檢 ; 兒童 ; Hearing health care ; Hearing loss ; Childhood hearing screening ; Children




42期(2020 / 06 / 01)


15 - 47






Hearing health care is a public health issue globally, and the first step is early detection of hearing loss by hearing screening, which is especially important for children. A comprehensive neonatal hearing screening was launched in 2012 and release as the Taiwan Neonatal Hearing Screening and Diagnosis Guidelines Manual in 2014. However, there is still a lacking of hearing screening guidelines for pre-school and school-age children. Therefore, the Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Taiwan (SLHA-T) supported a project "Hearing Screening Guidelines for Children in Preschool and Elementary School" in 2019. This project invited experts and scholars to form a compiling group to develop the guideline. This guideline is aimed at children between the age of six months to twelve years of age. The authors proposed the timeline for regular screening: toddlers (two years old), preschool children (four years old), and elementary school (grades 1, 3, and 5). The clinical procedure of the hearing screening is stated according to the include six items: age, test purpose, equipment requirements, test procedures, referral criterion, and flowchart of screening process. This document should provide an evidence-based practice guideline for audiologists and other screening personnel. This guideline can be used as an official document of the SLHA-T when advocating and/or optimizing the national screening program to ensure the normal development and well-being of children.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 外科
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