Luan-tan-xi is one of the main types of opera in Taiwan. Its music for voices is composed of ”Ban Qiang” system. However, ”Qu-pai” system was identified from the narration of the folk musicians and manuscripts. Therefore, this study compared the manuscripts to find the corresponding lists of plays for ”Qu-pai” system in Luantan-xi, and compared that ”Qu-pai” with others in Yuan-za-ju and Ming-chuan-qi. The results showed that the list of plays for ”Qu-pai” includes Bei-qu Lian-tao, Nan-pei He-tao, Nan-pei He-qiang, Tao-in-tao, and follows the standard of Nan-pei-qu. Therefore, it proves that the ”Qu-pai” of Taiwan Luan-tan-xi follows a certain standard, and is a branch of Hua-bu-luan-tan in the Ching Dynasty, and has correlation with Ya-bu music of voices.