


The Research of Environmental Impact Assessment from the Viewpoint of Citizen Participation




徐世榮(Shih-Jung Hsu);許紹峰(Shao-Feng Hsu)


土地開發 ; 環境影響評估制度 ; 科技決定論 ; 民眾參與 ; 環境規劃 ; 賦權 ; 公民投票 ; 公民訴訟 ; land development institutions ; environmental impact assessment (EIA) ; technological determinism ; empowerment ; citizen participation




10卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


101 - 130






The key objective of the institution of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is to resolve the conflict between economic development and environmental protest. Ironically, the protest activities do not decrease because of the implementation of the EIA in Taiwan. The development for industrial zones still causes violent protests coming from local communities. Why the EIA does not work? The paper argues that it is because the EIA is still based upon the ideology of technological determinism, and local communities are excluded from the EIA institution. Land development and the EIA should be in the domain of public policy decision, and citizens' participation is therefore very important in this sense. The choice of public policy is usually related with subjective value, never restricted only within objective facts. Thus, power of choice should be kept in the hands of citizens. Citizens and local communities should be empowerment to own a relative autonomous position related to the state government and business conglomerates. Nowadays, the major shortcoming of the EIA is lacked of democratic participation, which is the best way for the success of the EIA. The paper maintains that local communities should have the power for the preparation of the EIA reports. In addition, many other suggestions are also submitted in the paper. Above all, the authors believe that with the inclusion of citizens in the institution of EIA the conflicts within economic development and environmental protection could be resolved.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
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