


The Effects of Local Government Deficits on Public Services and Land Prices




張慈佳(Tzu-Chia Chang);胡海豐(Hai-Feng Hu)


財政赤字 ; 公共服務水準 ; 地價 ; deficits ; public services ; land prices




3期(2001 / 11 / 01)


1 - 18






Most studies related government deficits only consider the behaviors of governments. And most of those papers analyze the effects of deficits on macroeconomic variables, few in local economy. In this paper we extend the model of Ackerman (1979) by releasing the assumption that the budget of local government should be balanced, to examine the effects of local government deficits on public services and land prices, and to develop the microeconomic foundations of it. The empirical study in Taiwan indicates that there is a negative, statistically significant relationship between local government deficits and public services and land prices. The results suggest consistently as the theory derived that deficits will not increase public services when the residents' marginal utility of public services decreasing too much. At the same time, the effects on land prices will be ambiguous.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
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