


The Regional Cooperation Model for Science Parks Planning




林楨家(Jen-Jia Lin);馮正民(Cheng-Min Feng);丁柏雅(Po-Ya Ting)


科學園區 ; 地域連攜 ; 多準則評估 ; 模糊規劃 ; Science park ; Regional cooperation ; Multiple criterion evaluation ; Fuzzy programming




8卷1期(2005 / 05 / 01)


41 - 69




爲處理地方政府爭相設置科學園區計畫,導致個別計畫間產生競爭與規模不經濟的問題,本研究利用「地域連攜」之概念建立分析方法,藉由運輸設施與土地開發之建設與整合,使某些地區形成合作關係,以解決地方問互競資源的問題。本研究所建立方法分兩階段進行,並以桃竹苗地區所提六處科學園區計畫作爲實例分析對象。第一階段使用優勢關係評估法之ELECTRE I方法,目的在篩選得到易於吸引科技廠商進駐之科學園區非劣計畫。第二階段利用考量服務範圍之區位決策方法進行地區合作規劃,模式以模糊規劃方法求解,追求開發成本最小化及園區涵蓋人口最大化兩個目標,並考量政府預算限制與科技廠商需求規模限制,在不同運輸系統建設情境下,規劃最佳之園區開發計畫,以促進鄰近地區之就業機會與園區跟學術研究機構之合作。實例分析之規劃結果發現,加入各個運輸系統建設方案之總涵蓋人口數,皆多於不作任何運輸系統建設且所有園區計畫全部設置的情境,但卻花費較低的總建設成本,因此地域連攜規劃確能減少資源浪費情形,並促進原有政策的效益。


Competition between local governments in setting up new science parks has created problems of scale diseconomies. In order to improve development efficiency, this study applies the concept of ”regional cooperation” to create an analytical approach to examining how transport systems and land use planning can be integrated, so as to mediate the problem of adverse regional competition. The regional cooperation analysis approach is designed into two phases. In the first phase, the outranking method of ELECTRE I is applied to select superior plans from the proposed science parks. These chosen plans are then treated as alternatives for regional cooperation planning in the following phase. In the second phase, a multi-objective covering model is used. Two objectives are considered simultaneously: minimizing development cost and maximizing covered population. The model also considers the constraints of the government budget and the demand for land by manufacturers. Based on given conditions of transport systems, the developed model calculates the optimal science parks for enhancing employment in the covered area and cooperation between the science parks and research organizations. The developed approach is applied to Tao-Chu-Myau area, where there are six science parks proposed by local governments. The study finds that regional cooperation can increase the coverage on population and decrease the development cost. It concludes that regional cooperation planning indeed minimizes the problem of wasting resources and promotes the efficiency of development policy.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
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