


An Analysis of Power and Action in the Context of Local Development: A Comparison of Governmentality and Actor-Network Theory




李承嘉(Chen-Jai Lee);廖本全(Ben-Chuan Liao);戴政新(Cheng-Hsin Dai)


白沙屯聚落 ; 地方發展 ; 行動者網絡理論 ; 治理性 ; 香山溼地 ; Bai-Sha-Teun Setllement ; Local Development ; Actor-network Theory ; Governmentality ; Hsiang-Shan Wetland




13卷1期(2010 / 05 / 01)


95 - 133




近年來,因全球化帶來的空間不均衡發展問題,使地方發展的議題越來越受重視。同時,新自由主義的崛起,使地方發展策略產生了重大轉變-即從地方統治轉變為地方治理。針對此一轉變,有二項觀點-治理性(governmentality)與行動者網絡理論(actor-network theory),常被拿來作為地方發展論述的支撐。在西方先進國家中,這二個觀點都各有實證上的支持,但對於後進民主國家地方發展,還未有足夠相關的討論與研究。因此,本文以台灣二個個案-香山海埔地開發與白沙屯社區發展來觀察與檢驗。結果發現,治理性與行動者網絡各有其解釋能力。不過,作為後進民主國家的台灣,雖然國家試圖透過治理技術進行地方發展的管控,但卻無法擺脫傳統政治經濟力量的干預,使台灣地方發展受到極大的干擾。


The un-equilibrium development in spatial dimension caused by globalization points attention to local development in recent years. Meanwhile, the uprising of neo-liberalism brings about a tremendous shift on the strategies for local development. That is, from local government to local governance and the occurrence of power restructuring between state and local. There are two main discourses, governmentality and actor-network theory (ANT), on the power restructuring between state and local in the context of local development. Both of them are empirically approved in western advanced nations, but not in less advanced nations. This study conducted two case studies on the application of the two discourses to the power operating of local development in Taiwan. The findings show that both of case can well explain the power operation of local development in Taiwan. However, Taiwan as a less advanced country cannot escape from the intervention of traditional political economy. Such intervention results in the distortion of local development, although the government attempts to control the local development by technologies of government.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
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