The first paragraph of Article 71 of Waste Disposal Act provides, ”Where waste clearance and disposal conducted in noncompliance with the regulation, the RAML or RAML or the Implementing Agencies may order the enterprise, commissioned waste clearance and disposal organization, agent for illegal waste clearance and disposal organization, land owner, manager or user who allows illegal dumping of waste or serious misconduct that leads to illegal dumping of waste on its land to clear and dispose of the waste in specific time period. The RAML or RAML or the Implementing Agencies may clear and dispose of the waste for them when no clearance or disposal is done within the specified time period and request for compensation for the clearance, improvement and necessary fees sustained from this action. Failure to effect the payment before expiration date, compulsory enforcement shall be imposed. The RAML or RAML or the Implementing Agencies may apply to the administrative court for probational lien or probational attachment without providing collateral.” The third paragraph provides, ”The RAML or RAML or the Implementing Agencies may authorize a suitable publicly or privately owned waste clearance and disposal organization when clearing and disposing of the waste prescribed in Paragraph 1.” Article 49 of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act provides, ”The payment of fees pursuant to Paragraphs 43 and 44 shall take precedence over all creditor rights and collateral rights.” The first paragraph of Article 71 of Water Pollution Control Act provides, ”The competent authority may order the polluter to perform clearance and disposal within a limited period for the occurrence of a pollution incident on a surface water body; when the clearance and disposal is not performed by the deadline, the competent authority may perform clearance and disposal in place of the polluter and seek compensation from the polluter for necessary clearance and disposal, improvement and derivative expenses.” The third paragraph provides, ”The right to seek compensation for necessary expenses in Paragraph 1 shall take precedence over all creditor rights and collateral rights.”The payment of fees pursuant to the provisions above shall take precedence over all creditor rights and collateral rights. Other creditors and mortgagees are subordinated. It is necessary to study the jurisprudence and the way to explain properly. This study explores the issues by reference to the CERCLA.
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