


The Petrochemical Lesson for the Agricultural County: Reviewing Yunlin County's Environmental Supervision on the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Plant




杜文苓(Wen-Ling Tu);施佳良(Chia-Liang Shih);蔡宛儒(Wan-Ju Tsai)


石化 ; 六輕 ; 雲林縣政府 ; 地方環境治理 ; 管制政策 ; Petrochemical ; Six Naphtha ; Yunlin County ; Local Environmental Governance ; Regulatory Policy




17卷1期(2014 / 05 / 01)


59 - 90






The Formosa Petrochemical Corporation received permission to build the sixth naphtha cracking plant (Six Naphtha) in 1986. The site search for the Six Naphtha went from Yilan County to Taoyuan County, but the Mailiao Township of Yunlin County was eventually chosen as the construction site in 1991; where the land reclamation and factory building constructions commenced. The Sixth Naphtha covers an area of 2603 hectares and includes numerous construction projects such as oil refinery, naphtha cracking, and gas and electricity cogeneration plants. Under continuous expansion for two decades, the Sixth Naphtha has developed into a world-class petrochemical zone. However, the construction of Sixth Naphtha also accompanied numerous health risks and environmental disputes. Pollution and industrial safety accidents have became frequent in the past two years, allowing the systemic management problems of the Formosa Petrochemical Corporation to surface and become the primary topic of local environmental governance in Yunlin County. On the other hand, Yunlin County has been known as a major agricultural and floral production region in Taiwan where "agricultural capital" has been the long-term vision for county government planning. In contrast to this vision of agricultural-based development, Yulin’s actual industrial pollution control struggles have inspired the questions raised in this research. How can a local government with an agriculture-based development ideology and the scale and manpower of an agricultural county face the colossal petrochemical industrial park management problems? How does this local government respond to the frequent health-risk and environmental disputes as well as a range of industrial safety events? How does the local government cultivate and adapt to the labor and professional skills for the local environmental governance? From an environmental governance and regulatory policy perspective, this paper endeavors to understand the limitations of the local government’s regulatory oversight by analyzing the local government’s manpower preparation and cultivation, budget allocation and use, and the technical capability for environmental control. Through the analysis, the research of this article proposes possible directions for breaking through the dilemma.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
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