


Correction of Control Points based on GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Station Observations and Inter-seismic Deformation Model




甯方璽(Fang-Shiis Ning);徐名洪(Ming-Hung Hsu)


板塊運動 ; 平均法 ; 速度場 ; 變形模型 ; 三次樣條內插法 ; plate motion ; Mean Value ; velocity field ; deformation model ; Cubic spline




25卷1期(2022 / 05 / 01)


1 - 21




臺灣因地處歐亞板塊及菲律賓海板塊交界,地震發生的頻率非常的高,若地震產生地表變動及位移,一定會影響到控制點公告值及精度,若每次都要進行重測,會浪費大量的人力及經費,若可以經由地震影響區域內續運行參考站長期GPS觀測資料計算出速度場及形變模式進行修正公告,可節省人力及經費。因此,本研究利用2005年至2015年間臺灣地區連續運行參考站GPS觀測資料計算水平速度場,以三次樣條內插法建立臺灣地區水平速度與變形模型。臺灣地區參考站坐標解算之水平精度為2 mm-3 mm、高程精度為6 mm-10 mm,速度場之年度平均標準差在N軸為0.38 cm/yr,E軸為0.52 cm/yr,再以平均法進行同震變形修正再加上變形模型,經過改正後可以將坐標預測與真實坐標之較差回復到公分以下之精度。


Taiwan locates at the junction of the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate where the earthquake occurs frequently. If the earthquake caused surface changes and displacements, it would undoubtedly affect the control point announcement value and accuracy. It will cost a lot of human resources and funds to resurvey to maintain the accuracy of control points after the earthquake occurring. We used long-term GPS observation data of the reference station covering the earthquake-affected area to calculate the speed field and deformation mode to get a correction of control points. Therefore, the study used GPS observation data of the continuous operation of reference stations in Taiwan from 2005 to 2015 to calculate the horizontal velocity field and established the horizontal velocity and deformation model of Taiwan with cubic spline interpolation method. The horizontal accuracy of reference station solution in Taiwan is 2 mm-3 mm, the elevation accuracy is 6mm-10mm, the annual average standard deviation of the speed field is 0.38cm/yr on the N axis, the E axis is 0.52 cm/yr. Then the mean value method will add to correct the Coseismic Deformation, and cubic spline interpolation deformation model used to amend coordinates. After correction, the centimetre level accuracy between prediction coordinate and the valid coordinate will get.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
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