


The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Ethical Climate, and Emotional Intelligence on the Performance of Housing Agents: The Mediation Effect of Trust in Supervisor




李春長(Chun-chang Lee);葉文芝(Wen-chih Yeh);俞錚(Zheng Yu);許榮剛(Rong-Gang Xu);洪啟恩(Qi-En Hong);施沛岑(Pei-Cen Shi)


信任管理者 ; 轉換型領導 ; 交易型領導 ; 倫理氣候 ; 工作績效 ; trust in supervisor ; transformational leadership ; transactional leadership ; ethical climate ; job performance




25卷1期(2022 / 05 / 01)


23 - 61






This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the job performance of housing agents. The conceptual framework model proposed in this study takes into account various factors that could influence housing agents' job performance, including individual-level factors such as emotional intelligence and trust in supervisor and team-level factors such as transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and ethical climate. Parameter estimation was performed by means of hierarchical linear modeling. The respondents consisted of housing agents in Kaohsiung City. A total of 970 questionnaires were administered to 97 branch offices of housing brokerage companies and 496 valid responses were collected from 69 branch offices. There were 407 valid responses collected from 59 branch offices, indicating an effective response rate of 41.96%. The empirical results revealed that housing agents had better job performance when there were higher perceptions of ethical climate, emotional intelligence, and trust in their supervisors. The housing agents' perceptions of trust in their supervisors also increased when there were higher perceptions of transformational leadership, ethical climate, and emotional intelligence. In addition, trust in supervisors mediated the influence of the three variables of transformational leadership, ethical climate, and emotional intelligence on job performance.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 永續發展研究
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