To enhance the quality of library and information service, libraries have borrowed from business theory and practice in planning and evaluating library services. However, an area of business theory that has received relatively little attention in library science is organizational innovation. Reports in the business literature provide evidence that innovation is essential for both development and survival. In increasingly unstable times of rapidly changing information technology, libraries must use the literature of innovation as well as that of planning and evaluation to shape better libraries. This paper explores key issues related to innovation in libraries including the nature, the barriers, and the nays to adopt and implement innovative strategies successfully.
Organization Theory: Structure Design and Application.
Organization and Staffing at the Libraries of Columbia University: a Case Study.
Innovation and The Library.
Inside Bureaucracy.
Managing Professional People: Understanding Creative Performance.
Implementing Routine and Radical Innovations.
Innovation Creativity at Work.
Diffusion of Innovation.
Organizational strategy, structure, and process.
The Change Masters: Innovations for Productivity in the American Corporation.
The Management of Innovation.
Creativity, innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Libraries.
Management Techniques for Librarians.
Innovations and Organizations.
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