


Internet Resources of Consumer Health Information Studies




卓玉聰(Yu-Tzuon Chou,);林千鈺(Chine-Yu Lin)


消費者健康資訊 ; 網路資源 ; 消費者健康資訊網站 ; 網站評鑑 ; Consumer Health Information ; Internet Resources ; Consumer Health Information Website ; Website Evaluation




2卷2期(2004 / 09 / 01)


57 - 85




「健康與醫療」一直是人們最重視的議題,近年來消費者的健康意識逐漸抬頭,使得消費者健康資訊(Consumer Health Information)越來越受各界所重視,致使相關的網站迅速發展。2002年的一項研究指出台灣的醫療健康網站已達1820個。但這些如雨後春筍般出現的消費者健康資訊網站卻良莠不齊,造成消費者的困擾,甚至因為誤導而造成傷害。本文主要目的是利用國內外消費者健康資訊網站的評鑑標凖,蒐集整理評估國內消費者健康資訊網站,提供消費者判別健康網路資源優劣的方法,以避免使用不實的消費者健康資訊。並進過美國十大消費者健康資訊網站的架構方式、提供的資訊等項目,比較分析國內消費者健康資訊網站需要加強之處。


Health and medical care has always been an important issue. Recently, there has been a rapid increase in consumer health awareness. Therefore, Consumer Health Information has been vastly emphasized, which results in the development of associated websites. According to an investigation in Taiwan, there are 1,820 different health and medical related websites in 2002. However, due to the lack of regulations, some of these websites' information contents may be faulty and may confuse users or potentially be harmful. The purpose of this article is to advise consumers how to differentiate between correct and incorrect information in the Health Information websites. The present study analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of some Taiwan's consumer health websites by comparing their structures, contents and other information with those provided by ”the Top Ten Most Useful Health Information Websites” of the USA.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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