
Google Book Search對圖書館發展之影響


The Impact of Google Book Search on Library Development




吳紹群(Shao-Chun Wu)


Google化 ; Google Book Search ; Google Scholar ; 圖書館 ; Googlization ; Google Book Search ; Google Scholar ; Library




3卷1&2期(2005 / 12 / 01)


83 - 105




Google於2004年推出Google Print Project(後改稱Google Book Search),提供讀者以搜尋引擎的介面檢索圖書內容,並擬與圖書館、出版社合作,進行大規模數位化工作。Google Book Search在推出後引起極多的討論和注目,國內圖書館界的報導亦多,惟對於圖書館各個衝擊面和未來因應策略的討論較為不足。本文由Google Book Search的發展歷程出發,探討Google Book Search所引起的各種議題,並分析Google Book Search對圖書館各層面可能造成的衝擊為何,並對圖書館未來在因應Google Book Search的發展方向上提出若干建議。


Released in 2004, the Google Book Search provides book content search with search engine interface and intends to cooperate with libraries and publishers to digitalize various collections. The development of Google Book Search attracts many attentions and discussions from various communities, including: library and publishing communities, etc. There are many discussions about Google Book Search itself, but quite few of them are dealing with the impact of Google Book Search on library development. This article presents the development of Google Book Search, and discusses issues related to Google Book Search, including the potential impacts on library. Lastly, some recommendations regarding the future directions for libraries are provided.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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