


A Study of Assessment of Library E-Resource Metasearch System




曾繁絹(Fan-Chuan Tseng);李宗翰(Tsung-Han Li)


數位圖書館 ; 資訊系統成功模式 ; 使用者滿意度 ; 自我效能 ; 主觀規範 ; Digital library ; IS success model ; User satisfaction ; Self-efficacy ; Subjective norm




6卷1&2期(2008 / 12 / 01)


111 - 142




隨著電腦與網路科技的蓬勃發展,數位圖書資訊服務逐漸受到重視與依賴,使用者可以隨時隨地的利用電腦取得所需資訊,大幅提升工作與研究績效。數位圖書館所建置的資訊系統能儲存大量知識,並提供資訊檢索與數位內容的利用,是人類資訊需求與數位圖書資訊間的重要橋樑。資訊系統的使用因素與績效評估一向是資訊管理所重視的一大議題,檢視國內外相關文獻後發現,目前有關數位圖書資訊的評估多半只探討數位圖書館本身的系統功能,而較少納入使用者的個人與環境因素。本研究除了探討數位圖書館的系統與資訊特性外,進一步加入自我效能與主觀規範,試圖廣泛探討影響數位圖書資訊服務系統的使用、滿意度與績效的可能因素。 本研究以長榮大學圖書館電子資源整合查詢系統為個案研究,透過對在學學生發放與回收問卷,共獲得160份有效問卷後進行資料分析。分析結果證實自我效能與主觀規範會影響使用者使用電子資源整合查詢系統;系統品質、服務品質、內容品質、自我效能與主觀規範,對於使用者滿意度皆有直接正向的影響,並且藉由電子資源整合查詢系統能提升學業上的表現。本研究除了建構一個使用者導向的量化模式,可做為實務評估與學術研究之後續參考外,亦提出數位圖書資訊服務與系統設計之相關建議。


As the emergent development of computer and network technology, digital library and information service has become an important approach for users to increase their academic as well as job performance due to the authorized, accurate, and reliable information. In the realm of information management, the exploration of factors influencing information system utilization and the evaluation of benefits are two critical issues. However, related studies focus more on the system functions and usually ignore the effects of individual cognition and social influence. In this study, we extend the IS success model with two additional factors-self-efficacy and subjective norm, trying to explore the potential influences on digital library usage, user satisfaction and performance. This research takes the Chang Jung Christian University library E-resources Metasearch system as the case study. A questionnaire was developed and finally got 160 useful student samples to test and verify the hypotheses. The research results confirmed that self-efficacy and subjective norm can significantly affect the usage of E-resource Metasearch System. Subsequently, the users feel satisfied with the system, and increase their academic performance. Finally, we provide discussion, implications and suggestions in two aspects-cooperating more with educational programs to increase users' information literacy, and improving the customer-oriented system interface, functions, and services to enhance its quality.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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